Hi, welcome to mi weekly rundown of the books I’m planning on supporting with my hard earned cash this week..
Kid Lobotomy 3 $3.99

Peter Milligan has ever been capeable of writing the weird, surreal, and unsettling and he’s lost none of his ability in the years since Shade the Changing Man. Shelly Bond found him a brilliant storytelling dancing partner in Tess Fowler, yes I love her art and was going to like this anyway but her work on this book comes up to and matches the imaginative beauty of the weird Milligan delivers. She manages to make things pretty and terrible at the sometime. I’d had hopes that this title would be a winner and oh boy is it.
Coyotes 2 $3.99

Sean Lewis and Caitlin Yarsky’s first issue was a bit of a dreamlike deftly introducing so many aspects of its real world inspirations, it’s characters and parts it’s mythology in 20 some odd pages. The art handled entirely by Yarsky is layered rich and textured in her line work, her unusual and beautifully executed color palet and her command of expression. Coyotes 1 hit the right noted of horror and heroism to not simply glorify the terrible violence it portrayed. For my they fully delivered on promises made.
I’ve been drifting back to my love of Japanese manga of late and it’s cool to see creators here are drifting that way too. Giants is the US debute work for Carlos and Miguel Valderrama about a pair of orphans who’s ambition may just be more dangerous then the Kaiju that have come to dominate the surface of the earth and drove humanity underground. There’s nothing f. Better then gonzo sf stories that dig into the foibles of humanity. Though I’m still leaning back into manga books like this and Mech Cadet Yu are making me pretty happy to be back into comics.
Gene Yuen Yang’s New Superman/JLA China is a Title I have very much wanted to support and with the suspension and hopeful firing of Eddie Berganza I feel free to mention this fresh look at superhero mythology. Through a Net Galley and Hoopla I’ve gotten to enjoy the journey of personal growth and discovery Kong Kenan has been on but feel like I’ve missed out on really supporting this book. Issue 17 I did in fact buy and it was well worth reading for it’s stark look at the racism rampant in early DC Comics.
I’m exited to see John Arcudi return to the Scarecrow god warrior Rathraq with the art assists of David Rubin even if I miss James Harren a bit. This book had just the right mix of weird Conan like myth making and modern day pathos to make it something that is new and all it’s own. Wherever it’s going I’m willing to follow.
Mister Miracle 5 $3.99

I will keep this short as this book really stands out all on its own. Since I’m reading Kirby’s original I can say there are some very compelling parallels. If you have Jack Kirby’s original check them out too.
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