Wednesday, November 29, 2017

NCBD November 29, 2017 aka my Comics Pull list

Hi. Welcome to my weekly look at the comics I’m planning to pick up this week and hope are in my box at my friendly local comic shop. I try to spotlight the books The I think might not be actively on people’s radar and keep myself to around twenty dollars a week. Pretty often I don’t manage it well because 1 of low self control and 2 my desire to support creators that I really like and respect.
Lazarus X+66 #5 $3.99
Though I read and enjoyed the first Lazarus collection I didn’t keep up with the book for some dumb reason. What it took to get me to pick it up, well this miniseries and particularly this issue. I happen to love Bilquis Eveley’s artwork so seeing she was one of the great selection of talent on this side project I decided to pick it up from issue one and hope to dig this one as much as issues 1-4. To me there is a lot of MD Bright in her artwork and I fondly remember a lot of his books from the eighties and nineties. This is an excellent action driven social science fiction. Drama; even though I don’t have a grasp on all the side players spotlighted in this book I have enjoyed and connected with all the stories thus far. 

Hack/Slash Resurrection 2 $3,99
Ok, this comic that looks on the surface pretty much a Vampirella expolitiation fest is new to me and it is so not what it appears at least this story. Tini Howard taking the writers seat for this is what hooked me into picking it up and I think that the whole team behind this really killed it in issues one.  The art had a cheese factor but somehow didn’t get to total cheesecake and the story about Cassie Hack, monster hunter, getting out of the biz had a tone that was just came off so Evil Dead kind of funny that, well, it’s got me. Tini Howard is a writer to follow in my opinion but i guess that might be obvious.
Heavy Vinyl 4 $3,99
This book used to be called Hi-Fi Fight Club and though it’s a cool title I guess they didn’t want confusion with the other fight clubs.  Carly Usdin, Irene Flores, Nina Vakueya and Rebecca Nalty have a storytelling style that’s dna is most definitely Japanese manga and manage to make it its own thing outside of that. This story about a group of young women record store workers involved is solving a mystery has that feel of magical girl comics without all the mysticism but keeping all the mutual supportive friendship and relationship vibes in tact. Here’s hoping this 4 of 4 issue is not the end. 
Image Vol 2 4. $ 1.99
I would be getting this even if it did not have the Wytches and Atomahawk strips in it. I was one of those people that loved Marvel Age in the way back. Image Plus is built on the dame in house add via interviews and extras model but like the old Marvel mag it delivers content worth reading . 
Motor Crush 8 $3.99
Lastly but by no means least this love letter to Speed Racer (Mach Go Go Go) by Brendan Fletcher, Cameron Stewart and Babs Tarr. At RCCC I learned how this trio create this book and it’s pretty interesting mix of skill sets coming together to deliver this story to us. I happen to love Domino and her supporting cast but I’m getting more and more into knowing the nuts and bolts of how the books I love are made. Vroom vroom, screech. .
In addition to these this week a couple of collections arrive I may just have to have. Both from Fantagraphics these are Zegas by Michael Fiffe and I am not Okay with this by Charles Forsman. There are also some tempting books from DC but I’ll leave it at theses. 

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