Wednesday, November 22, 2017

NCBD November 22, 2017

Hello, welcome to my weekly look at the books that I’ll be picking up in my pile of comics come Wednesday (and this week it will actually be Wednesday rather then my usual Friday). I try to keep this list to twenty dollars a week. I have not said it in a while but I try to choose books that I think might get overlooked in the ever growing pile of excellent sequential storytelling projects. 
Bankshot 4 $3.99
Alex de Campi and Chriscross’s take on the action adventure comic powered by vengeance and nanotechnology. I don’t hear many people talking about either Alex De Campi or Chriscross which is a shame because skipping projects by either of them separately comics fans are missing out. Like Christopher Priest Alex never takes the easy options with a story or she iterpreting a character; her books are textured and rich with detail and grit presenting what she has to say warts and all.  Chriscross creates dymanic pages like few other artists out there. This book has been a  tantalizing introduction to a world that is well conceived.

MadeMen 3 $3.99
Gorgeously illustrated by Arjuna Susini and Gonzalo Duarte Made Men is a crime police procedural married to the world of Marry Shelly’s Frankenstein.  Issues one and two introduced us to the brutally violent world and the various complex characters of Paul Tobin, Susini and Duarte in a story layered with gallows humor and as I said some pretty amazing art. I’m hoping that like Colder the horror genre mashup gets a couple of story lines. It’s also a cool companion piece to Victor LaValle’s Destroyer in taking a page out of Mary Shelley’s creations.

Wayward 25
It’s the wrap up on this current story arc and I’m hoping we’re coming back to Japan fro this part (Diamond shorted my local shop so I just got 24 last week and have not had a chance to read it yet). Jim Zub Steven Cummings and Tamara Bonvillain are delivering a comic that both fills my desire to read more manga. And makes me want to get some comic s direct from Japan again even though I’d have to pay shipping since there is no Kinokuniya books in my area. Cummings and Bonvillain deliver on the promises this decompressed comic makes. (Damn you Jim I’m still hurt and missing Ayane)...and the reminder we’re all in this together.

Doom Patrol 9 $3.99
Gerald Way and Nick Darrington’s take on the Doom Patrol has been delivering the werird in ways that make this a true followup to Morrison and Pollaock not to forget all the weird that came before and after. We may get to find out what the hell is going on with Terry None and Casey or there again maybe not. With all the non-explained parts of this book, it’s amazing just how much it feels normal and familiar for a comics to be this crazy. It’s a gorgeous book and it’s also colored by Tamara Bonvillain like Wayward so it’s going to be a very pretty week to be reading comics. 

Giant Days 2017 Holiday Special $7.99
It’s been a while but I enjoyed the twelve or so issues I picked up for Giant Day’s . This book even at $7.99 I’ll pick this up simply because Jen St. Ohge is drawing the book. Yeah, I do like her art that much that I’ll pick this up if my FLCS has copies.  I happen to think I have been missing out having stoped reading this a long while back. 

Void Trip 1 $3.99
Ryan O’Sullivan and Plaid Kraus who did Turncoat together enjoyed the collaboration so much that they decided to do a kind of stoners in outer space comic that sounds to be a great bit of fun. It opens with our Chech and Chong pair conning a trucker our of some of his fuel shipment be pretending to have chased of the people trying to steal from him, ie temselves. I’ ll give it a try to balance out all the dark ScienceFiction I’ve been reading . 
I’ll be going over budget since I’ll be getting Sherlock Frankenstein 2 also....

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