Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Comics Sept 28 2014


New Avengers 24

Namor made a choice to be the thing that was necessary and enlisted the help of probably the best possible accomplices he could have in the now eight months old New Avengers 23. The mistake the heroic Illuminati made way back in issue 1 comes to roost in their belief they were morally up to the task of saving the world and universe; most sadly surrender to the what is coming, one runs and one Namor chooses to be the thing that is necessary. Here he realizes he can't live silently with the deal he made because of the allies he chose. This is not a happy story, its not the one I expected but it was the one I was glad to get; Thanos is not a hero, never was and neither were Terrax, the mad Inhuman,Thanos' generals nor is Black Swan. The story that Hickman is finally telling is due payoff for his long set up nd the moodily colored art by Schiti. There is a sence of both menace and dark humor in this title that ove one the grim dark nature and make it more then just another anti hero tale told yet again. My only wish would be to see more of Black Swan in the story. Its seldom writers tap into how truly malicious Thanos can be but Hickman and Schiti get idisturbingly right to the point.


All New Invaders 10

Few people are talking about the Invaders and this unassuming book is doing compelling things with lesser utilized characters in the Marvel Universe and expanding the legacy of the original superheroes of WW2. James Robinson and Steve Pugh are slowly expanding the cast they are working with this time; re introducing Jim Hammonds sidekick Toro and addin a new Iron Cross as well as tying this book into the wider Inhumas story, they also recognize the developing story between Captain America and the New Avengers and reintroduces the British legacy heroes not to mention Killraven. I'm afraid this might be another title that I connect with like Fearless Averngers and Journey into Mystery that will have an abriviated run so I hope other people try out this unusual title. It's not another Avengers though it stars one of them, its a bit more like mission impossible with superheroes and manages to carriy the weight of Marvel History on its shoulders much the same as a successful Justice Society title would for the other company. Next issue promises a Namor Human Torch battle to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Marvel so perhaps that may get some notice for this somewhat ignored book...


Mighty Avengers 14

This issue temporarily marks the end for this book by Al Ewing that began with the ad hoc formation of the most ethically diverse team in recent memory during the Infinity storyline. I loved seeing Luke Cage back in a regular book as well as Monica Rambeau (the second Captain Marvel now Specturm) who was one of my favorite Avengers and was a joy in a couple issues of Deconnick's Captain Marvel. Though this book will be back with the Sam Wilson's Cap after a month hiatus this is a great testament to the emotional fortitude of the cast Al is writing about in this book. Overshadowed by its big screen cousin title and its eight months later hype in my opinion this is the Avengers book to be reading. Al never failed to bring an honest smile to my face and several months back in issue ten wrote one of the best Original Sin ite in issues where the Blue Marvel becomes a god father. This book like the Invaders has a sense of history and legacy where it comes to character and like most books dealing with "lesser" characters can make actual change that will probably become lasting.


All New Ghost Rider 7

Filipe Smith is taking his hero Robbie to some very dark places in the second story arc; being a young person straddled with responciblity getting power seems to have changed his life for the better. I know that with the change I art last issue some people might be giving up given Damien Scott is so looser and different from the amazing Mr Moore but they are missing out on good storytelling here. The art is honestly not for everyone and some elements in this issue feel a bit rushed but I will say this for the story its strong enough to eked me coming back. The art has a definite street graffiti influence and given time it will develope into something people may really dig. This issue builds on the story from the first story arc and touches on the new Hyde army that Zabo seems to be working towards and on the fallout of the missing drugs from the earlier story. Oh and in the final pages next issues guest star maked his fiery appearance. Good stuff and actually pushes some interesting story buttons not explored often in superhero comics.



Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Pull List Wednesday Sept 24, 2014


All New Ghost Rider 7

Yes I was sad when Traad Moore left this title because of the dynamic artwork he was doing but the first issue of the new artist Damin Scott last month proved a very cool surprise. It took a bit of time to warm up to the graffiti influences style but I quite like it looking at it again. This story arc promises to bring in the original Ghost Rider Jonny Blaze and hopefully will shed some more light on what the new Ghost Rider might be and what sinister side this new spirit of Vengence might just have. Filipe Smith created something successfully different with Robbie Reyes, a boy straddled with responcibility who has now come into power... I really hope that he gets a chance to tell the whole story he has planned here. I don't want to see another comic I'm digging get shelved before its time...


All New Invaders 10

This is one of the two titles out this that makes the Namor fan in me happy, he's one of the characters that really falls outside the polarized world of heros and villains in his own realm. James Robinson and Steve Pugh are doing some very fun things in this book and really the only thing missing here is a female presence among these World War Two soldiery heroes. This title is kinda a buddy bromance spy adventure story starring Jim Hammond the original Human Torch now agent of SHIELD and Namor who's living a very interesting life at the moment. This issue is the second that sees them, Bucky the Winter Soldier and still young Steve Rogers Cap fighting an army of Deathlocks who aparently are owned by an alien posing as a human. All of this seems to be leading to a war with Mars or something.



New Avengers 24

This is the one I'm probably looking forward to the most. The last issue was retry telling about all the characters that were part of the illuminati and who they are when the chips are really down and who will do what is necessary. I really love the choices Hickman made and agree with his assessment of the big players Richards, Stark, McCoy, Strange, and the Panther. This issue must introduce the new Avengers and is they are the ones on the cover well I can say I dig it. I won't say much more about it till I've read it come Thursday... Before reading issue 23 I'd have said you had me at Thanos but now well you had me at Namor....



Mighty Avengers 14

Al Ewing is making what is most often the funest of the many avengers offerings and well quite obviously the one with the most diverse cast of characters. I have always been a fan of the adventures of Luke Cage Power Man and being a horror comics kinda geek I was a fan of Blade from the old days too. This may be a book who's days are numbered in this current incarnation to be immediately replaced with Captain America and the Mighty Avengers with the same writer and mostly the same team. Maybe its not the time to jump on and read the adventures of The Blue Marvel, Spectrum, She-Hulk, the new Poweman, White Tiger, and Luke Cage but well maybe perhaps too it is the right time to do so and grab some of the back issues too. Oh and anyone that missed the Original Sin issues really they were a blast....







Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday Comics Sept. 21, 2014

This week was a pretty massive one in terms of things I wish is could regularly follow... Multiversity one with Chris Sprouse, All New Xmen, Avengers (8 months later) to name just a few so I'll stick with just the two I got to pick up...

Thor God of Thunder 25

One of the two books I've read so far from this potentially very expensive week of comics. Thor 25 is the end of this volume with Odinson becoming again unworthy to wield mjolnir after what occured in Original Sin. There are two main stories in this issue framed as stories being read by the granddaughters of Thor ala Journey into Mystery. The opening tale is the origin of Maliketh which is suitably grim and dark and overall satisfying for someone who has long liked the dark elf and the second is a young Thor tale with art by Simon Bisley of Slaine and Lobo fame. That and the final couple pages that are a teaser for the new Thor series point to stories yet to come... It's been a good time to be a Thunder god fan and there seems to be no one better to write it the Aaron. Even at the five dollar price point this issue felt satisfying in art and story both. Looking forward to the mysterious woman who somehow gets the hammer from the moons surface....



The Wicked + The Divine 4

I will be honest here thought I liked the story up till this issue I was mainly getting the book for its truly georgeous artwork by McKelvie and Wilson. This issue is probably the best looking so far but this is where the slow build story wise from issue one really dug its claws into me and I know I'm hooked. So we get more of a look at some of the characters that we have been hearing about since issue one, I'm looking at you Woden and get a bit deeper into the set up for what I think will be the fireworks to come soon. Its more then just a pretty face and now I must go read deeper into issues one through three again.... Thank you Kieron and company of a very cool book....





Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Dead Wood Pull List Sept 9 2014


Hawkeye 20

So we are sadly building up to the end of the series that got me fully back into collecting comics and brought me back to Marvel as my go to place for great stories. Thought I hate sports metaphors Matt Fraction has been hitting bulls eyes with this series that focused on the non-Avengers life of Clint Barton, pretty much my favorite Avenger, and his protege, Kate Bishop and the less the cosmic and world wide threats that they face in the track suit mafia and Madame Masque respectively. I will miss this series once its gone and hope that if you give it a try you enjoy it as much as I did. Matt Fraction incorporated real world events like hurricane Sandy and its devistating effects, lots of injuries including the most recent sign language issue along with the bowstacufs, car chases and guest appearances. This issue is a Kate story on the west coast and probably brings the Madame Masque v Kate story to a conclusion. Not the best place to start but every comic is someone's first issue.


Captain Marvel 7

Yes, here is the other book that got me to realize its a Make Mine Marvel time in comics for me. Kelly Sue Deconnick is really rocking it with this second volume of the advetures of Carol Danvers; after the finale of the first volume which took away the majority of her memories Kelly Sue has done a marvelous job in redefining this iconic Marvel heroine by taking her out of her element on earth and into space again. The last storyline gave her a chance to go up against the tyranny of the Spartax emperor, Peter Quill's father and be part of the events that seem to have brought him low; this issue brings her back to the ship she left earth in and the possibility that her cat Chewie is a bit more then she thought. I expect we may be getting a play on the original Alien worry that the alien is in or is the cat.... Anyhow the new artist looks to be pretty marvelous and well... I'm a Carol Corps kinda guy....


Ms. Marvel 8 along those lines you could have guessed this would be coming. G Willow Wilson's Ms Marvel is also coming out this week which kind of made this week a hat trick for me and the book I look forward to the most every month. Wilsons' take on the coming of age superhero story about an outsider in American society eventhough she is american is funny, heartfelt and touching in ways that comics rarely have been since the grim nineties. The art in this book is ever excellent by Alphona with his range of character designs and facial expressions telling the tale as much as the story by Wilson. This issue plays into the idea that the new Ms Marvel is actually an Inhuman with Lockjaw becoming a part of her regular cast as Willow slowly builds this title up keeping its Jersey setting separate from the big boys in NY letting Kamala have her own story for the most part. I'm glad that the doctors at Marvel are letting a great title like this have its time to gets its own feet under it.



So does anyone read these...?


Monday, September 8, 2014

To rate or not to rate ...

So that is my question.... With my reviews of fiction and comics does anyone have a wish that I would take up a rating scale like a five star or a one to ten scale.... I look at these if places have them but sometimes its all I look at rather then what the reviewer in question liked... So what you think...


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Comics Sept 7th 2014


Original Sin 8

So I guess the big question here is did Jason Aaron, Deodado and Martin stick the landing with their murder mystery story; the answer for me is yeah, they did deliver on the promises they made. I might have liked to been surprised by a last minute gotcha but with the way they set up the clues early on I did know who the killer was I just did not know why and that was the point of this story. Original Sin shoehorns into continuity a new storyline for Nick Fury Sr. as more then just a super spy but as a early guardian for the earth as a whole against monsterous, cosmic and magical threats. I won't give away anything else but will say that they story has a sort of consistency with Marvel's long comics history and Jason wrote the characters he chose to work with quite well considering the huge cast he ends up with in the finale. In terms of event books this one does change the status quo for some of the players in pretty significant ways, introducing some possibly interesting twists to others not involved in the story and sets up some of the interesting changes to come this and in the following months. Is it essential reading for every marvel or comics fan, possibly not but if you like the less white hat side of the Marvel universe, are enjoying the current New Avengers series with its take on Namor, which I particularly am, and like seeing history expanded even if it is a bit of ret-con this was a pretty solid story.

Another reason to go snatch these up if you have not yet in addition to the very cool Art Adams alternate covers is to see what is coming for the Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; getting easy access to the solicitations as we do not we know about the new title so part of the end of Original Sin is kind of spoiled unless you avoid all the comic news sites and if you do bully for you. Its an event story I'm glad I got and its been a while since I felt that or actually got more then just the first issue of any of the big stories. (Possibly will do a full review after I re read it all....)


Legendary Starlord 3

Three issues three different jail cells for Peter Quill and three escapes; he certinly learned some useful skills hanging around Rocket and references WWRRD (what would.... You get the picture) in this issue. This issue finds him incarcerated with a Badoon tween and an agent of Spartax after he gets betrayed by a pretty face and has to call long distance to a certain mutant love interest of his for a bit of aid. Humphries and Medina with the fun story and cool art in this one often made me smile and laugh out loud in this third done in one story as they set up their bigger storyline our legendary rogueish hero. This series to me feels a lot like an old Hollywood science fiction serieal like Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers and the like, the stories are fast moving and introduce characters fast and on the fly. To me this book is a hell of a lot of fun and Paco Mendina has developed into a very deft artist... his work is clean, defined and the right choice for an action adventure story like this. I miss this kind of thing, we don't get action stories that can laugh at themselves too much in the superhero field these days.


Rocket Racoon 3

As you might expect from my enjoyment of Legendary Star-lord I'm enjoying Rockets title. I don't know if this title is for everyone, the title I would compare it to is the Lobo book from back in the nineties that gravitated towards violent comedy and Keith Giffen's brand of over the top humor. Scotty Young is pulling from way way back in the Rocoons story for this and I feel like I have to go get the Groot and Rocket collection to really appreciate what he is doing overall but I am enjoying the hell out of it and one moment of this had me laughing outloud to the point of my girlfriend asking what was so funny... By the way she loved the Guadians movie and she's not a mainstream comics person... Don't know why I threw that in but I think this and Legendary Starlord are comics that may just need some champions to do a bit of signal boosting....



Justice League 33

Ok I will say DC continues to do things that are interesting to me like grabbing the Crime Syndicate for the last crossover and making the bromance between Lex and B-zero the heart of the story. Making Luthor part of the Justice League, his face off with Bruce for the last few issues renews my interest in the book. The New 52 hasn't really done much that I've dug but they do get me try books on and off like this issue that had the Doom Patrol which I've always loved in past incarnations and a new female Power Ring and had its high points but overall I'm still at the point I was before readin it.... I like the take on Lex and I'm intrigued by the new Niles Caulder and have hopes for a neat strong female character from Power Ring but I'm still left cold by the majority of the starts of the book otherwise. Unlike the above books this one I can't reccommend buying one unless your enjoying the book as a whole. I may be back for the next issue but I can say is they made a team based around Luthor and Captain Cold I'd probably be the for it...

Of the books I've gotten to of my purchases Iron Fist 5 is likely to be my last.... I actually liked some of it but its so far from the character I love and remember from the old days that though Andrews' is a capeable writer and has hooked me for some of it Danny Rand is falling too flat for me..


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Shhhh Secret....

There were hints monts back that Gail Simone was getting her signature title (well at least that is how I think of it), The Secret Six, from the pre-new 52 continuity back. We have scant information, most likely deliberately in this case given her comments in this article here and her reference to Twin Peaks. The article tells that we are at getting the marvelous Catman back and Black Alice who was created by Gail Simone. I know I may be getting my hopes up but I did really live the wild off beat super villain stories Gail told the last time around. With this promised title coming in December, the new Batgirl creative team and Genevieve Valentine writing Catwoman it looks like I will be getting a couple more DC comics monthly...


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Dead wood pull list...

Seeing as I have had a lifelong love for comics and one that usually far outstrips my budget I thought I would entertain my favorite hobby by adding a weekly pull list containing the books I actually am getting and a bit of my dream list if money and space were not at issue. I'm diving into it now since a couple of the books I actually buy are possibly on the chopping block and its would be cool to have so e of the get more the a dozen or so issues....

First up some of the books I will be plunking own cash for...

Original Sin 8

Jason Arron and Mike Deodato have actually kept me pretty entertained with this event book; ever since the late 90s I've tended to ignore them because well the 90s quite honestly burnt the bridge with event books for me and as of late the few I've tries haven't hooked me. It was my picking up the zero issue which features Sam Alexander the new Nova on a whim that hooked me, The kitch Easter eggs included in that tale and in the early issues of Jason Arron's really spiced up what was actually a fun version of a murder mystery. The parts of the mystery that we had the clues to, the person who brought together the investigative team actually lead me to the identity of the organizer which was cool, though we know the fallout of the book I'm still actually curious about who did the kill shot on the watcher still. Has it been great throughout... perhaps not but its been a solid story and I liked it enough that well I may look at Axis....


OLegendary Starlord 3

Yeah yeah, I know it may be a short lived title but Sam Humphries can actually write some pretty good science fiction esque comics and this one is tinged with a bit of Raiders of the Lost Arc. I actually got a couple of the original magazines with Starlord stories in them way back when because it was a space comic and it reminded me of Space Ghost. This version of Peter Quill is pretty darn close to the movie one, he's a bit Indiana Jones a bit Malcolm Reynolds and a lot John Creighton from Farscape, well at least to me. The first few issues move a bit fast and we don't really get to know his supporting cast much yet but it is so nice to see the relationship that has developed between him and former space adventurer Kitty Pryde. I'm on board for Sam's writing and Medina's art is pretty great too boot. I discovered that I liked Humphries' writing on the sadly no more Avengers A.I. lets hope Legenday Starlord does not suffer the same fate....


Rocket Racoon 3

You probably thought this was coming after I gushed about Peter Quill and you were so right. Even if the Guardians movie was not the awesome that it is I would have wanted this; Scotty Young is both writing and drawing Rocket's first solo story since well probably Mike Mignola way back when. Its pretty cool that Marvel is doing crazy fun things like this that are considered in regular continuity like they did back before all the grim and gritty took hold and seemingly refused to let go. Scotty Young has been producing some of the funniest covers and I am so tempted to get his Oz books because they look so damn cool. The first couple issues of this series are the crazy, weird bombastic kind of fun I expect to sometimes see in 2000AD once and a while... I like the weird breaking the fourth wall comic nods that Mr Young is throwing in and something a bit crazy and light hearted, wildly coloured to lighten the grim dark mode is exactly what I need at times...anyway I hope it won't have a short lifespan ...



Captain America 24

I have been an on again and off again reader of Rick Remender's run on Cap and I think that may be because like his Uncanny Xforce and Jonathan Hickman's work on FF and Avengers it reads much better in collections then it does month to month. In reading through the series I cam to like the character of Jet Black a lot but the big draw for me in the return of Sam Wilson the Falcon who is one of my favorite comic character when I was a kid. I recall fondly having a Cap and Falcon story drawn by Jack Kirby that I read and re-read quite a few times. I don't know if it was a reprint from earlier in his tenure at Marvel or if was after his return but I can still picture the cover and some of the panels from it. Once I noticed Sam was back I started picking up Cap again and well I'm probably on board for the soon to happen relaunch. The book has been a mix of super hero, super science and secret agent stories....



Black Widow 10

This is another title that I have been into and out of which is pretty much a financial choice and its probably one I need to change. Black Widow looks a lot at Natasha's private life and the missions she takes to make amends for her past; the coloring in this comic is a very unique soft pallet that makes it look like little else on the super hero side of the shelf. This issue is an especially attractive one to me because of the Hawkeye appearance given the short time life for his comic this may just be my replacement for it. I've come to enjoy comics like this that look at the non costumed part of my favorite characters lives. Luckily for me but not us much for my entertainment budget there is a collection of the early issues in this series out there I may just have to get soon.


And now for a bit of the if I had the money part of the pull list...

Concrete Park 1

This is a title that all I know about this other then I really like the look of the book and I heard the story from Darh Horse Presents a while back was good... Here is the synopsis for those interested...

A troubled young outcast from Earth awakens on a distant desert planet that’s gripped by gang war. Will the exiles of Scare City destroy each other or create something surprising, beautiful, and new? Concrete Park returns with volume 2’s R-E-S-P-E-C-T arc—a sexy sci-fi saga by Tony Puryear (Eraser) and Erika Alexander!

Justice League 33

I'll be totally honest here the draws for me for this issue have little to do with my love for the old Justice League and more to do with the cool new players in this book Lex Luthor being the main reason. I know he will not be a hero forever or even for any long length of time but given that the other members are so bland now Lex is the most interesting thing to happen to the league in a long time. I also like the idea of Captain Cold being there as well as this new character wielding the power ring. Also one of my favorite abused teams in the DC universe if the Doom Patrol and their presence makes me really consider this book...





The last item this week I'd dearly love to have the disposable income to grab is the 75th anniversary boc from Marvel... All that great work from Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Gene Tuska and Stan Lee to name just a few is calling me but I probably will need to just get the one or two I can afford if that....




Dead wood pull list...

Seeing as I have had a lifelong love for comics and one that usually far outstrips my budget I thought I would entertain my favorite hobby by adding a weekly pull list containing the books I actually am getting and a bit of my dream list if money and space were not at issue. I'm diving into it now since a couple of the books I actually buy are possibly on the chopping block and its would be cool to have so e of the get more the a dozen or so issues....

First up some of the books I will be plunking own cash for...

Original Sin 8

Jason Arron and Mike Deodato have actually kept me pretty entertained with this event book; ever since the late 90s I've tended to ignore them because well the 90s quite honestly burnt the bridge with event books for me and as of late the few I've tries haven't hooked me. It was my picking up the zero issue which features Sam Alexander the new Nova on a whim that hooked me, The kitch Easter eggs included in that tale and in the early issues of Jason Arron's really spiced up what was actually a fun version of a murder mystery. The parts of the mystery that we had the clues to, the person who brought together the investigative team actually lead me to the identity of the organizer which was cool, though we know the fallout of the book I'm still actually curious about who did the kill shot on the watcher still. Has it been great throughout... perhaps not but its been a solid story and I liked it enough that well I may look at Axis....


OLegendary Starlord 3

Yeah yeah, I know it may be a short lived title but Sam Humphries can actually write some pretty good science fiction esque comics and this one is tinged with a bit of Raiders of the Lost Arc. I actually got a couple of the original magazines with Starlord stories in them way back when because it was a space comic and it reminded me of Space Ghost. This version of Peter Quill is pretty darn close to the movie one, he's a bit Indiana Jones a bit Malcolm Reynolds and a lot John Creighton from Farscape, well at least to me. The first few issues move a bit fast and we don't really get to know his supporting cast much yet but it is so nice to see the relationship that has developed between him and former space adventurer Kitty Pryde. I'm on board for Sam's writing and Medina's art is pretty great too boot. I discovered that I liked Humphries' writing on the sadly no more Avengers A.I. lets hope Legenday Starlord does not suffer the same fate....


Rocket Racoon 3

You probably thought this was coming after I gushed about Peter Quill and you were so right. Even if the Guardians movie was not the awesome that it is I would have wanted this; Scotty Young is both writing and drawing Rocket's first solo story since well probably Mike Mignola way back when. Its pretty cool that Marvel is doing crazy fun things like this that are considered in regular continuity like they did back before all the grim and gritty took hold and seemingly refused to let go. Scotty Young has been producing some of the funniest covers and I am so tempted to get his Oz books because they look so damn cool. The first couple issues of this series are the crazy, weird bombastic kind of fun I expect to sometimes see in 2000AD once and a while... I like the weird breaking the fourth wall comic nods that Mr Young is throwing in and something a bit crazy and light hearted, wildly coloured to lighten the grim dark mode is exactly what I need at times...anyway I hope it won't have a short lifespan ...



Captain America 24

I have been an on again and off again reader of Rick Remender's run on Cap and I think that may be because like his Uncanny Xforce and Jonathan Hickman's work on FF and Avengers it reads much better in collections then it does month to month. In reading through the series I cam to like the character of Jet Black a lot but the big draw for me in the return of Sam Wilson the Falcon who is one of my favorite comic character when I was a kid. I recall fondly having a Cap and Falcon story drawn by Jack Kirby that I read and re-read quite a few times. I don't know if it was a reprint from earlier in his tenure at Marvel or if was after his return but I can still picture the cover and some of the panels from it. Once I noticed Sam was back I started picking up Cap again and well I'm probably on board for the soon to happen relaunch. The book has been a mix of super hero, super science and secret agent stories....



Black Widow 10

This is another title that I have been into and out of which is pretty much a financial choice and its probably one I need to change. Black Widow looks a lot at Natasha's private life and the missions she takes to make amends for her past; the coloring in this comic is a very unique soft pallet that makes it look like little else on the super hero side of the shelf. This issue is an especially attractive one to me because of the Hawkeye appearance given the short time life for his comic this may just be my replacement for it. I've come to enjoy comics like this that look at the non costumed part of my favorite characters lives. Luckily for me but not us much for my entertainment budget there is a collection of the early issues in this series out there I may just have to get soon.


And now for a bit of the if I had the money part of the pull list...

Concrete Park 1

This is a title that all I know about this other then I really like the look of the book and I heard the story from Darh Horse Presents a while back was good... Here is the synopsis for those interested...

A troubled young outcast from Earth awakens on a distant desert planet that’s gripped by gang war. Will the exiles of Scare City destroy each other or create something surprising, beautiful, and new? Concrete Park returns with volume 2’s R-E-S-P-E-C-T arc—a sexy sci-fi saga by Tony Puryear (Eraser) and Erika Alexander!