Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Dead wood pull list...

Seeing as I have had a lifelong love for comics and one that usually far outstrips my budget I thought I would entertain my favorite hobby by adding a weekly pull list containing the books I actually am getting and a bit of my dream list if money and space were not at issue. I'm diving into it now since a couple of the books I actually buy are possibly on the chopping block and its would be cool to have so e of the get more the a dozen or so issues....

First up some of the books I will be plunking own cash for...

Original Sin 8

Jason Arron and Mike Deodato have actually kept me pretty entertained with this event book; ever since the late 90s I've tended to ignore them because well the 90s quite honestly burnt the bridge with event books for me and as of late the few I've tries haven't hooked me. It was my picking up the zero issue which features Sam Alexander the new Nova on a whim that hooked me, The kitch Easter eggs included in that tale and in the early issues of Jason Arron's really spiced up what was actually a fun version of a murder mystery. The parts of the mystery that we had the clues to, the person who brought together the investigative team actually lead me to the identity of the organizer which was cool, though we know the fallout of the book I'm still actually curious about who did the kill shot on the watcher still. Has it been great throughout... perhaps not but its been a solid story and I liked it enough that well I may look at Axis....


OLegendary Starlord 3

Yeah yeah, I know it may be a short lived title but Sam Humphries can actually write some pretty good science fiction esque comics and this one is tinged with a bit of Raiders of the Lost Arc. I actually got a couple of the original magazines with Starlord stories in them way back when because it was a space comic and it reminded me of Space Ghost. This version of Peter Quill is pretty darn close to the movie one, he's a bit Indiana Jones a bit Malcolm Reynolds and a lot John Creighton from Farscape, well at least to me. The first few issues move a bit fast and we don't really get to know his supporting cast much yet but it is so nice to see the relationship that has developed between him and former space adventurer Kitty Pryde. I'm on board for Sam's writing and Medina's art is pretty great too boot. I discovered that I liked Humphries' writing on the sadly no more Avengers A.I. lets hope Legenday Starlord does not suffer the same fate....


Rocket Racoon 3

You probably thought this was coming after I gushed about Peter Quill and you were so right. Even if the Guardians movie was not the awesome that it is I would have wanted this; Scotty Young is both writing and drawing Rocket's first solo story since well probably Mike Mignola way back when. Its pretty cool that Marvel is doing crazy fun things like this that are considered in regular continuity like they did back before all the grim and gritty took hold and seemingly refused to let go. Scotty Young has been producing some of the funniest covers and I am so tempted to get his Oz books because they look so damn cool. The first couple issues of this series are the crazy, weird bombastic kind of fun I expect to sometimes see in 2000AD once and a while... I like the weird breaking the fourth wall comic nods that Mr Young is throwing in and something a bit crazy and light hearted, wildly coloured to lighten the grim dark mode is exactly what I need at times...anyway I hope it won't have a short lifespan ...



Captain America 24

I have been an on again and off again reader of Rick Remender's run on Cap and I think that may be because like his Uncanny Xforce and Jonathan Hickman's work on FF and Avengers it reads much better in collections then it does month to month. In reading through the series I cam to like the character of Jet Black a lot but the big draw for me in the return of Sam Wilson the Falcon who is one of my favorite comic character when I was a kid. I recall fondly having a Cap and Falcon story drawn by Jack Kirby that I read and re-read quite a few times. I don't know if it was a reprint from earlier in his tenure at Marvel or if was after his return but I can still picture the cover and some of the panels from it. Once I noticed Sam was back I started picking up Cap again and well I'm probably on board for the soon to happen relaunch. The book has been a mix of super hero, super science and secret agent stories....



Black Widow 10

This is another title that I have been into and out of which is pretty much a financial choice and its probably one I need to change. Black Widow looks a lot at Natasha's private life and the missions she takes to make amends for her past; the coloring in this comic is a very unique soft pallet that makes it look like little else on the super hero side of the shelf. This issue is an especially attractive one to me because of the Hawkeye appearance given the short time life for his comic this may just be my replacement for it. I've come to enjoy comics like this that look at the non costumed part of my favorite characters lives. Luckily for me but not us much for my entertainment budget there is a collection of the early issues in this series out there I may just have to get soon.


And now for a bit of the if I had the money part of the pull list...

Concrete Park 1

This is a title that all I know about this other then I really like the look of the book and I heard the story from Darh Horse Presents a while back was good... Here is the synopsis for those interested...

A troubled young outcast from Earth awakens on a distant desert planet that’s gripped by gang war. Will the exiles of Scare City destroy each other or create something surprising, beautiful, and new? Concrete Park returns with volume 2’s R-E-S-P-E-C-T arc—a sexy sci-fi saga by Tony Puryear (Eraser) and Erika Alexander!

Justice League 33

I'll be totally honest here the draws for me for this issue have little to do with my love for the old Justice League and more to do with the cool new players in this book Lex Luthor being the main reason. I know he will not be a hero forever or even for any long length of time but given that the other members are so bland now Lex is the most interesting thing to happen to the league in a long time. I also like the idea of Captain Cold being there as well as this new character wielding the power ring. Also one of my favorite abused teams in the DC universe if the Doom Patrol and their presence makes me really consider this book...





The last item this week I'd dearly love to have the disposable income to grab is the 75th anniversary boc from Marvel... All that great work from Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Gene Tuska and Stan Lee to name just a few is calling me but I probably will need to just get the one or two I can afford if that....




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