Thor 1
I have no idea what Nick Fury said that made Odinson no linger worthy of mjolnir, I also have no clue what woman it could be that went to the moon and got the hammer to accept her. Never the less I trust Jason Aaron with this new direction and the promise that this is where he was always heading with his tale about this mythical hero. Do I think that this is going to be a lasting change, well I can't tell nor say more then I will give it as much of a chance as I give any title I try and the art previews look pretty nice soo... Who wouldn't want to see a cool female Viking god story after reading that half of their warriors were women...
Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier 1
Ales Kot is writing one of the best modern war titles with Zero and one of the more entertaining of the Avengers titles with the new Secret Avengers that stars of all characters MODOK so what the hell. I was one of the people who long time said the words at least some comic deaths should be sacred and this is a statement I have come to have to eat given I am a Winter Soldier fan. Don't get me wrong I still love Cap and as you will see plan to be getting in on the Sam Wilson story but something about the more morally grey Bucky appeals to me. Like Thor this new direction title comes out of Original Sin and sets up Bucky as the new protector of earth from all kinds of threats and the painted art style looks promising. I've read the interviews on Multiversity and like the things I read so yeah its going to strain my budget this week...
Guardians 3000 1
I'm a seventies eighties Marvel fan and loved the sci if superheroes of that era including Micronatus, Nova, Green Lantern, to name a few but these guys blazed the trail for time traveling heroes and are my favorite scene stealing guest stars along with the Squadron Supreme and the Justic Society. Dan Abnett was the writter of the modern day team and has written another future hero team more then once go he's got the chops so I'm willing to try it out and its turning into a week of number ones it looks like....
Rat Queens 8
Oh had to get away from new books and from superheroes a moment to signal boost for one of the funest and funniest fantasy comics around. What starters out as kind of a fun for fun sake book has grown into a pretty serious fantasy fiction story and one that totally stars some of the best femal heroines around this side of Captain Marvel. Kutrtis Wiebe and Roc Upchurch have created a group of fully realized fantasy characters for this story and has just started digging into the world and stories I think the have in mind. Along with Umbral, Soverign and Skullkickers among Images fantasy line up Image is looking to be the company to go to for a variety of swords and sorcery tales outside of the barbarian and the she devil with a sword.
Legendary Starlord 4
I'm not sure I'm ready for the fight implied here but I'm always happy to see the big purple guy being written well and Humphries should do a pretty good job. I think there is another Quill Thanos throw down going on in another title but Brian Michael Bendis is also writing a LOT of other books and though Guardians is ok THIS is the The Star-Lord book to be reading right now. Between the two of these writers they are building a very interesting cross book romance that is being handled pretty nicely woven between the respective books. I should say this issue probably had me at the ...."and now... Thanos!" (was that exclamation point really necessary?)...
Captain America 25
So I mentioned it earlier and here it is... I want to read the Sam Wilson era as Cap so I'm pretty much going to have to get this issue. More then that I like the character Jet Back and her future if she has knew will be determined in this issue; given the relationship that started between them just an issue back I have to at least flip through this tomorrow....(agh too much money and there is still more I'd love to get...)
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