Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Wanted Dispatch Feb 15 2017 aka my Comics Pull List

How am I to make choices between all the great books coming out these days; I've alwaYs been more interested in books that tell stories on the fringes in the weirder areas of the settings I love and exploring new places. In the nineties it was Milestone Media, the Vertigo books and the edgier Wildstorm titles that did it for me as well as Astro City, Americas Best from Alan Moore and the like that got my money and I think I'm still the same kind of reader. Here is a week when I may just stay within my twenty dollar budget.


Batwoman 1 $2.99

Those who know me probably expect this but DC had me hereat Margueritte Bennett as the writer behind the Kate Kane book as I know she will be making this a very personal stakes kind of story but it's nice to know that Steve Epting who's I have always enjoyed and thought was underrated is getting to join her on the book with Ben Oliver. As I was out of comics as a reader during the time Greg Rucka was writing her and on the fence with her new 52 book I'm exited to be able to buy a Bat book I really whole heartedly believe in and am exited for. The Detecive two issue lead in to this series had really wetted my appetite for a return to Gotham and established clearly how Kate is different from Bruce.


World of Wakanda 4 $3.99

A coworker of min got to go to the book publishing event called Winter Institute and 1 got to hear Roxane Gay address the audience so I'm very jealous but she did bring back a copy of the speach she gave and she like so many writes I like pulls no punches. I'll be sad when the story of Ayo and Aneka come to an end in this book and hope to see Roxane work somewhere again in comics as we need strong opinionated and political voices like hers even if some companies don't think people want that. The origin tale of the Midnight Angels has been a mix of martial arts training a bit romance story and a bit political but it's all been very accessible and very very well illustrated by Alethia Martinez.


The Wild Storm 1 $3.99

Warren Ellis is getting to be the series leader on reimagining the core of the Wildstorm characters outside of Apollo and Midnighter in a series that will use Grifter, the Engineer, Voodoo, and Deathblow among others and I have great hopes for what this may be having been a fan of the Wildstorm imagined by him and Alan Moore back in the late nineties. Got no clue as to what he's cooking up but I'm up to try it out a bit.


Postal 18 $3.99

My FLCS missed issue 17 and may not be able to score me one but that's ok, I have missed the occasional issue of this book since the interview on Black Comics Chat turned me on to it before around issue 12 or 14. Bryan Edward Hill writes the kind of story that both assumes you know the score and that you don't and gives enough information for either reader to get into the book and relate to his characters. This is one of the few books I get that lacks any weird, mystical super or other speculative elements and it's a damn good thriller illustrated by Issac Goodheart whose style fits the mood and closeness of the book very very well. Nothing but respect for this book just hope diamond sends us some.

Horizon 8 $2.99

Given the current atmosphere in the US I'm surprised that there are not that many people talking about this book where like in reality we are the invaders, the heels, the bad guys if you will. Brandon Thomas envisioned a story where humanity expanded into the stars in search of resources and find them on an inhabited planet which we choose to full on exploit despite there being vital inteligent familiar life already there. He and Juan Gedeon have realized this story of a team of special ops arriving to take vengeance upon humanity. I like this kind of story that reminds me we are not as good of guys as we believe and it's done in such a unique dynamic art style like little others these days in the US market.

And though that would keep me kinda in budget Animosity 6, Mother Panic 3, Cave Carson 5, and Nights Dominion 6 also hit the shelves this week so....

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