So my post is late this week and I'm sorry for that as I try to get this up before Wednesday morning. Hi and welcome to my blog where I mainly post up my comics pull list spotlighting the books I'm thinking are worth picking up. I try to keep these things to my twenty dollar budget. Last week was honestly a budgetary train wreck so I'm hoping to do better this month overall but it's not starting out very promising,
Sun Bakery 2 $4.99
With the closest Japanese bookshop five hours away from me getting an authentic manga fix is just not possible and with Island being over I'm happy to have Cory Lewis' kitsch anthology book to look forward to. After publishing for issues in his own Image gives Cory a wider audience and is reprinting the impossible to find early issues of this black and white on colored paper collection of wired, wild kinetic stories. His crazy creations owe more to a love of manga and video games that western comics and remind me at times of the side stories that often accompanied the main manga stories,Given his small page count per story these stories are supercompresssed comics jam packed with ideas that come fast and furious. Honestly it taps into the manga readin experience I recall from when I didn't understand any Japanese.
Shade the Changing Girl 7 $3.99
Cecil Castelucci is joined by Marguerite Savage for this one issue so I'll miss Marley Zarcone on this one but Ms. Savages art something of a joy to find out I have on the horizon. In this stand alone issue we'll be treated to Loma Shade's reminiscences of her times at formals dances brough t on by the approaching winter formal at school. Thinking back she begins to wonder why she's going to put herself through all that uncomfortable BS again. It's sure to be a trip down memory lane for some. The backup in this issue is a story from the Kevin Keller artist Dan Parent. Really if your not getting Shade your missing out on one of the best DC Young Animal offers.
Black Cloud 1 $3.99
Black Cloud is the outcome of a collaboration between Jason Latour, writer of Spider-Gwen and co-creator of Southern Bastards and Ivan Brandon writer of Drifter and is about a woman,Zelda, born in realm of dreams and existing in the real world bearing dorways into odd other places, realms of broken dreams. It's the series premiere of something that sounds like it could be something special and given that God Country and Extremity has both been up my alley I'm willing to give this title a shot to take the spot of a Marvel book I'll no longer be buying.
Extremity 2 $3.99
The first issue of Daniel Warren Johnson's brutal revenge take lived up to its bloody hype and actually weirded me out with its willingness to go for the jugular. This second issue promises to set up what the hell the emnity between the two tribes now at each other's throats really was in the beginning. The statement about the feeling of issue one being somehow the basterd offspring of Studio Ghibli and Mad Max is pretty apt except the violence gets bother personal and visceral in ways even I didn't really expect. With the exception that Mike Spicer is coloring his work Daniel Warren Spencer would be the sole creator behind this book. Mikes colors on the other hand are downright gorgeous and the book would not be the same without them.
Jem and the Holograms 25 $3.99
This is the second to last issue of this run of Jem and the Holograms and looks to be a story set to change up the band a little. Kelly Thompson has written these ladies for just over two years solid and I can't imagine he not making these last issues sing and part of my kind of wishes I could actually hear the band. Gisele Lagace is a pretty apt choice to fill out the art chores on the last arc and though her art style doesn't look like any of the others who've graced these pages the colors by M Victoria Robado tie all the various lovely work done throughout the series somehow together. Sad to see this volume come to a close but knowing there is another coming in its heels with almost no creative changes is a good compensation.
Deathstroke 16 $2.99
Yes I'll add my voice now to all the people singing the praises of Christopher Priest's Deathstroke book. I'll do so knowing that in the aftermath of the upcoming story that will involved his interacting with the Titans in an attempt to get back his lost son Priest will still be guideline the storyline. What this series has going for it is a writer who know how to write action that has a grounded purpose. Priest is no afraid to be in your face political and have a point to to story he tells; a morally grey character like Slade needs to have a writer that is not afraid to offend some readers more conservative sensibilities. I reall back in the nineties that Deathstroke has a pretty good title and it's nice, really nice to see it happen again.
Everafter 8 $3.99
So honesty here Lilah Sturges co writing on this is the reason I was initially interested in this Fables spinoff. I largely missed out on the Fables book with a few exceptions and recall the stories Sturges worked on when I saw this book initially. An interview she gave recently clued me back into her work and when she said it would appeal to people reading all the Young Animals books I had to give it a go. Everafter is totally approachable even if your much like me and missed out of Fables. It's an action adventure thriller that has magic instead of technobabble gadgets and why not as their functions are not too dissimilar,
I'm so screwed this week as America 2 also comes out...going to be for sure over budget .
Oops and looking through my images I collected from this week I missed the Margueritte Bennett book DC Bombshells which I'm pretty sure will be joining most of the above.
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