Hello and welcome to my look at what I will be grabbing from my FLCS this Friday when I get a chance to pick up my books. I try to keep this Pull List to around twenty dollars but with the amount of worthy projects out there doing that is often a struggle I don't reallly undertake.
Catalyst Prime Noble 2 $3.99
Noble is a pretty solid action adventure right from the beginning. Our hero changed by the Event has powers but no memory of himself as David Powell. He's on the run from some well connected para-military operation. I really appreciated the fact we really don't know what he can do and learning about him, his powers and the world we get to do from the ground up. The other big pleasure of issue one was meeting his wife Astrid, unlike her husband now she most definitely knows who she is and what she wants...and that is her family back. I like her a lot. Brandon Thomas, Roger Robinson and Juan Fernandez have made a great start with this book.
Heathen 4 $3.99
Heathen is a rich new look at Norse myths with a very different hero and a near singular unique vision behind it. Natasha Alterici is doing all the work for this book except for the lettering as her original letters are apparently not the win that the rest of the book is. Ok, this is the last issue of this original arc but there is in fact more to come as August we get the beginning of a new story. I love the art, the heros tale and it's hero Alydis; I'd want her to have my back if I had a choice.
Eternal Empire 2 $3.99
Eternal Empire one gave us the excape of one slave to the empire that has conquered almost all the known world. Aparently this issue presents a very different slave getting similar visions leading him to attempt to excape the bondage of his dreary exisitance too. Somehow I think this may be a parallel story to issue one leading to the meeting from the final in that story. What caught me in issue one was the amount of obvious work that has gone into the vision of this world...there are elements hidden in the art I didn't notice till looking at the suns positions as hunted at in the backmatter extras. This may be the next Monstress in terms of fantasy comics for me,
Extremity 4 $3.99
Excepting Mike Spicer's amazing colors this one is all Daniel Warren Johnson's vision of the fallout of violence. So much of the story seems to delve not into the glorification of fighting but its ultimate fallout. If you've not checked out this science fantasy epic take a flip through an issue, any issue if a panel or page stops you short because of how amazing it it just pitch it up because it does keep on giving stunning moments of weird beauty even in its moments of bloody violence.
Jem the Misfits 5 $3.99
Well damn, this is the last issue in this run of the Misfits and like all the ones that came before it promises surprises and reveals about one of the band members much like any reality show. Jetta apparently has a secret tooso well finally find out something about the last member of the band to tell their story. Jenn St Onge and Kelly Thompson have made this book somehow even more my favorite then Ms. Thompson's run on her other title, Jem. This book is I'm my opinion drop dead gorgeous and superbly colored by M Victoria Robado... I know there will be three more follow up issues but I'm already missing this confrontational band.
Shade the Changing Girl 9 $3.99
This issue continues Loma's trip to Gotham and as I'm behind on Shade now I can't comment on the first one. Cecil Castellucci Marley Zarcone and Kelly Fitzpatrick have yet to hit a dull note with this Young Animal book that totally lives up the the reputation of the old Vertigo book. It's full on weird and the additional weird one shot back ups do justify the near four dollar price, Loma Shade aparently won't have to worry too much about how she might get back to Meta as they are apparently coming to her.
Black Bolt 2 $3.99
Saladin Ahmed is one of my favorite fantasy writers and his exploration into the mind of Black Bolt that was issue one did not disappoint. Pairing him with Christian Ward was pretty brilliant as Ward manages to make science fiction settings that are TrueType alien and stunning. I may not love Marvel but I will support books that have creative teams that will push the storytelling envelope like this.
That kind of does it for this week as I'm already busting my twenty dollar budget not even counting the new Papergirls that brings the current story arc to a close. Oh apparently there is something going on over in Batman by Tom King that might get a look too.