Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Comics Pull List July 12, 2016

Im late with this list this week but it's still so totally valid as I'm still picking these books up and I think they are worth notice. I try to keep these lists to twenty dollars buy often go over as there are so many worth books and creators out there. Let me know if your enjoying the list and add some suggestions of your own.


Catalyst Prime Accell 2 $3.99

Though I love superhero books that try to do something new and different with the genre but that does not mean that giving us a strong strait forward teen superhero looking for love and respect isn't a good thing too. Joe Casey is well versed in superhero writing and with Damien delivering evergetic flowing panels the first issue of Accell delivered a solid first speedster hero story. This is not and of t the Flashs or Quicksilver that is for sure. It is pretty cool when your reading a familiar type of character but have no clue what he's really caoeabke of. Oh and I like the set of for his love interest and the dynamics between the characters around our hero Daniel DosSantos.

Bug the Forager 3 $3.99

Oh my god I had forgotten just how much I love Michael Allred's work...if anyone were to do a Kirby book other then Walt Simonson it had to me him and his wife Laura on colors. I have yet to even real issue one and two but just the brief looks I have taken at them make their purchase worth it. Do they need me to big up their book to make it sell no but I have to because...well....because.


The American Way 1 $3.99

For this I can blame listening to the Girl with the Curls podcast where she talked being a colorist with Nick Filardi. I've seen his work on th Cave Carson book with Michael Avon Oeming and the preview pages of this looked splendid. The seventies is the era that I first read superheroes in and this books sounds to have braved the idea of hitting politics and superheroes together. From the advanced review by Allen Thomas at Comicosity it sounds like John Ridley, Georges Jeanty and Danny Miki along with colorist Filardi put together a challenging complex story well worth tracking down.

Calexit 1 $3.99

Vèronique Emma Houxibois over at the Comicosity comics blog posted an advansce review of this up a few days back and though I was going to pick it up anyway her thoughts on the execution of this story confirmed my feelings. Black Mask Comics prints books that started with good ideas that are executed brilliantly. It sounds like the story is one that will elicit thought on what an event like this might really cause both good and bad.


Eternal Empire 3

Sarah Vaughn and Jonathan Luna's fantasy story about visions excape and rebellion is a book that is growing with its storytelling. The story seems more decompressed the the usual suspects of American fantasy comics. It's taking a while for the story and characters to develope and for me that is fine. They are giving me enough to keep me intrigued.



I will be honest here I will be getting Dark Days:The Forge and Mage the Hero Denied 0 also.


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