Wednesday, September 6, 2017

NCBD picks September 6, 2017 aka my Comics Pull List

Welcome to my weekly roundup of the books that will be in my buying pile. I try to keep myself to a rational budget of twenty dollars but some weeks like this one staying under that total seems beyond me. For my tastes in comics there is something of a golden age at the moment and my wallet suffers.


Shade the Changing Girl 11 $3.99

Cecil Castellucci, Marley Zarcone and Kelly Fitspatrick have made this ride into the madness as cool a time as the original weird Shade run by Milligan and Bachalo. The last issue featured a near death experience, another weird body swap, a day out in Los Angeles and a mysterious pregnancy. Cecil's story about Loma Shade has been a neat cool exploration of character and humanity as only an outside can reveal. Everything is building to a conclusion of this first year of storytelling as this is the second to last issue before the coming four month hiatus. I'll miss Loma and her friends but it will give me time to go back and re read the whole thing.


Doom Patrol 8 $3.99

Though I live the Allred's and enjoyed the last issue this is the story I have been looking forward to. What happened to Lotion the cat. Nick Darington's cover for this issue tells a story all in its own...such a marvelous piece of artwork. Gerald Way's first story arc took a while to click in but it's from the beginning been a Doom Patrol riff taking its lead from the Grant Morrison era and heading into its own direction. I have pretty much always loved the more off beat characters in the DCU and they don't get more down that road then the Doom Patrol. I'm glad we still have four issues to look forward to before the break and the coming crossover issues.

Motor Crush 6 $3.99

Issue 5 left me with a shock, I was not really expecting the story to head in this direction. It's nice to be shocked and to do so with the beautiful art of Babs Tarr is doubly a treat. Motor Crush really captures for me the feeling I got from Japanese Manga back before there were a lot of translations. So, where do they go from the surprise ending reveal that Don is something more then human, possibly?


Seven to Eternity 9 3.99

Rick Remender when he's allowed to really stretch his creative wings writes stories with deeply felt emotional resonance. Here he's been doing a second world fantasy western with brilliant art and designs of Jerome Opena and fill ins by James Harren all colored by Matt Hollingsworth. The journey across the world with the Mudking as their prisoner has gone oh so very wrong. It al seems to be going pear shaped and it's the end of the current story arc....

Jem the Misfits 2 $3.99

The Misfits book for my money has been one of the prettiest books on the shelves, Jenn St.Onge and M Victoria Rabado are a killer art team. Kelly Thompson has been killing it with her amazing, heartfelt writing of these amazing women across the last several years. This last story arc before the beginning of the coming anthology is a bit like her last hurrah. I've come to love them all wether they are Misfits, Holograms or Stingers. It's all been fabulous.

Elsewhere 2 $3.99

Jay Faerbrer played me as a reader in a way that amused me in the first issue of Elsewhere and it's a twist I so much do not want to ruin if you have not read the issue yet. Amelia Earhart as the hero of a portal fantasy is a clever story idea but it all comes down to execution and well Faerbrer, Kesgin, Riley and Maurer deliver in ways I didn't expect. They are telling a story of a rebellion against a despot in a fantasy setting and Earhart falls into the role of rebel very easily and seamlessly. The collaboration between Jay Faebrer and Sumeyye Kesgin created something that has layers and depth beyond the hook of the elevator pitch. Amelia is likeable out of the gate as she's hanging from her parachute in issue one and I want to see where this tale will take this world.

Rocket Girl 9 $3.99

Amy Reeder has returned with a vengeance to her drawing table and delivering brilliant kinetic sequential storytelling. Dayoung Johansson, the epinominous Rocket Girl, is a future teen cop from one where adults f'd up the world pretty badly stuck in 1986 trying to be a cop still. There are some deeper stories going on here as well plots about fixing or manipulating the past and the friendship that has developed between Johansson and the founders of the big corporation that dominates her world. This is the penultimate issues of the first story arc and it's great to have this fun dynamic comics that like Motot Crush above reminds me of reading manga in the (nothing is translated yet) ninties.


Deathstroke 23 $3.99

There was a Deathstroke book back in the ninties that was actually pretty good in my memory but it was one that did pllay close to the redemption angle. Christopher Priest's approach to Slade Wilson takes him to be what he's always been, he's a fundamentally flawed person to say the least. Priest's Deathstroke is a killer for hire and a bad father, he's self centered and manipulative, he's clever and at times does the right thing. Deathstroke comes of f as complex and compelling I think because Priest has such a clear vision of him and does not compromise that to make us like Slade. The supporting cast is handeled with the same level of careful approach, I like and believe in all these characters. It would be remiss of me to not mention the storytelling prowess of Diogenes Neves, Jason Paz who sell the depth of these characters on every page.

On top of all of those I'm likely to pick up Scales & Scoundrels 1 too.

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