Hi and welcome to me look at the books I’m picking up for sure this week. I usually try to keep my list to around Twenty dollars and this week I’m doomed to break my budget. Using a new blog platform so please forgive any formatting gaffs. I’ll fix them as I go.
Kim & Kim Love is a Battlefield 4 $3.99
Magdalene Visaggio, Eva Cabrera, Claudia Aguirre and - ‘s second storyline for the Kims comes to an end this week. Kim and Kim became one of my favorite books int the first few pages of the first issue and this second series delivered that same feeling again. Magdalene writes characters that embody lives that extend before and after the current tale and were just getting an intimate snapshot of a moment in their lives. Love is a Battlefield exposed tensions between the girls and allows us to see them both as capable vilnerable and human. Eva Cabrera and Claudia Aguirre’s artwork has a cute, animated feel that captures feeling and expression for the character moments and is so well suited to the action oriented aspects of a bounty hunting story. Going to stop gushing now.
Going from my enjoyment of I’d Lobotomy, the flagship book for Black Crown, I have great hopes for this quartly anthology edited by Shelly Bond. About a week ago I listened to the interview that Shelly Bond gave about the new imprint, it’s flagship title Kid Lobotomy and the upcoming Quarterly title. I’d encourage anyone interested to listen to the interview with the one time Vertigo editor about the exiteing things she has planned for the imprint. This title will be looking at the background and supporting characters from the Black Crown shared setting and the art in the preview pages is pretty amazing. The magazine will include previews for the other titles like Assassinistas and Kid Lobotomy and if memory serves me articles about modern media and music. Kind of like a comics anthology magazine with cool backmatter and more. I’m almost as exited to get this as I am to get Kim and Kim 4.
And here we are at the final issue of Mother Panic before the titles hiatus told by the team of Jody Houser, Shawn Crystal, Jean Francois Beaulieu and John Workman. Shawn Crystal may not be to everyone’s tasates but it was his first arc that solidified my love of Violet Page and Mother Panic. Don’t get me wrong I like Tommy Lee Edwards and John Paul Lyon’s takes on the characters but there is so much energy and flair in the storytelling style Crystal delivers that I’m happy he’s bringing the title to its hopefully temporary finish line. I like these damaged characters and will miss them in the several month interim till they return in the Milk Wars Story .
It’s fitting that as Halloween approaches that the science fiction horror romp that is Southern Cross has returned for its final arc. Becky Cloonan Andy Belanger and Lee Loughridge deliver a horror book that is really like few others at the moment for me; it’s reminiscent of the chills that the original Alien and The Thing left in me. The scenes in issue twelve where the Southern Cross landed on the moon Titan, the return of Alex Braith and the Ship that dissapeared with nearly all hands leaves me with more trepidation about the future then relief. So far the team have given us a haunted ship, a murder mystery, gang wars and corporate intrigue a talking decapitatied head in a bag and a tough as nails old Lady detective. Where this story is finally heading is anyone’s guess but for sure it’s going to have some pages of amazingly laid out storytelling and more surprises are for sure in store.
Hack/Slash Resurrection 1 $3.99
I never picked up the earlier Hack/Slash stories by Tim Seeley so this appearing on my list is kind of starnage. Tini Howard, who’s written a Cold War psychics and Con Men Story called Skeptics and the most recent run of Magdalena, is one of the new writers who’s proven to be worth following. Her approach to storytelling is certainly all her own and her books have not been what I have expected in a good way. This book like Southern Cross fits with the season and this one even better with it’s Halloween and Friday the Thrirteent angle on the whole slasher horror thing. I’m there to support one of my new favorite writers and if you find her work to be your kind of thing ask your FLCS for Assassinistas that she’s writing for Black Crown with Gilber Hernandez (yes, that Gilbert )

Wayward 24 $3.99
Wayward 24 $3.99
The last issue of Wayward wa really my kind of thing. It featured Ohara, the girl who can adopt aspects of inanimate objects, and Shirai, the ghosteater and mister fighter, and played with old Japanese folklore in the way that this series by Jim Zub, Steve Cummings and Tamara Bonvillain do so well. The storytelling by Cummings and Bonvillain seems to much bigger then the size of the page and the issue seemed to be a much longer story then a usual twenty some odd page issue. This issue takes us back to Ireland where my favorite character Ayane died and I’ve yet to come to terms with that. I know, I know it’s not Rori and her fae fathers fault but I’m still coming to terms with her loss. We’re back with the fae and the formoi and well I do still want to see the whole story.

Image +3 $1.99
I’m an old Marvel Age reader and I’ve said it before but Image plus has filled that void that I didn’t know I was feeling. The magazine has a couple of strips that are running in it, Atomahawk is the Ken that hooks me but I know there are Wytches fans that are loving the new short piece by Snyder and Jock. If your into the behind the scenes interview sort of thing you’ll dig this too.
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