So big big big week, the owner and of my FLCS even mentioned how nuts this week is and he doesn't say that often. So keeping to my twenty dollar budget may not full on happen but for this list it will and for the most part I'm not going to be posting about the usual suspects. I will be posting collections too as this is a brilliant week and I can get two within my budget. As is usual I'll start with the book I consider a must buy.
(Vic Stone) Cyborg #3
Victor Stone has deserved to be spotlight in his own series for ages and I feel though he is a Justice League member he gets D list status as he gets less attention then most in that book that I've felt is very character development thin. David has kind of a blank slate to work with as the new 52 took most of Vic's history as a New Teen Titan and he's hit the ground running centering us in Vic's life; he's established Vic's troubled relationship with his father and his tenuous sometimes strained relationship to regular people given his so obvious otherness. Ivan Reis is a brilliant choice for artist as he honors the art style of Cyborgs past and bring something live and vital to Perez' iconic look. I spotlight this as its one of the DUYou books I've taken to my heart and don't want to see it go away for lack of initial audience as seems to be a Big Two problem when it comes to "new" titles particularly at DC. $2.99
Plutona #2
Last month I posted about this and it delivered what I'd hoped it would, a grounded real group of relateable kids in a Stand By Me sort of situation; what I didn't expect was the thoughtful world building and the little touches that made me really connect with the protagonists. I also had the pleasure of meeting Emi Lenox last month at RCCC and got to talk with her about Plutona and even better got to see more of her artwork and the autobiographical sketch diaries she did the past couple years. Plutona is a five issue series centered on a group of kids who find the body of one of the superheroes who protect their city; one of the more charming bits in the first issue was the superhero spotting diary kept by one of the characters, it particularly endeared her to me as did many of the other little details about her. $2.99
8House #4
As with issue three which was brilliant this issue begins a new story arc from a new creative team in what is becoming a must buy every month for me. I know next to nothing about either creator here but from what I've looked at I think we're in for something great again. I have no clue how all the stories in this series curated by Brandon Graham may tie together if they ever will but as with Island I'm willing to buy in given how much I have liked it all so far and the fact that it's a comics bargain in today's hobby. You can check out the creator Fil Barlow at the link and looking for his partner Helen Maier on google you'll find some links that will give you hints as to what we're in store for here. I know my signal boosting is scant her but this series has yet to dissapoint. $2.99
Paper Girls #1
Given Y the Last Man, Saga, Ex-Machina, Runaways, and We Stand On Guard Brian K Vaughan has a track record that is hard to argue against and I've been willing to try out much of what he writes these days. Paper Girls from what I have read are a bit of early teen girls in a classic war of the worlds kind of event. The couple of Cliff Chang's art that have been previewed are pretty stunning and the language on those are pretty colorful to say the least. I'm going to show how old I am but the best ages put me in mind of the old teen film Better off Dead with the girls rolling up on bicycles full of attitude. It's sure to be worth a peek and I think may be one of the finds of the week. $2.99
Code name Baboushka #1
Anthony Johnstone who has been doing some great police procedural in space with the Fuse starts a spy title with a female lead joining Velvet and Modesty Blaze as a non superhero Black Widow. I know little about Shari Chankhama who is doing the art but a brief Internet search make me truly exited about the prospects for this title and having missed out initially on Velvet and Lazarsus I'm determined to check this out early on. Ex aristocratic ex royal family assassin with nothing to lose except enemies ... another potential kiss ass heroine by a writer who's proven he can write hard women with agency I will be taking a close look at this. $3.99
1602 Angela Withc Hunter #4
From what I recall this is the last issue of Angela pre all new Marvel, the last piece of superhero work for marvel from Kieron Gillen and I hope something that sets up the new all Margarett Bennett written Angela. This book has had much more humor and jest about it then I expected and I hope even in the end that satyrical tone will reign too and since I missed issue 3 I have no clue as to what is going to be happening other then some kind of end. The art has been a beautiful mix of differing rich colorful styles as has th storytelling as Sera always shared half the issue. Secret Wars, well the tie ins, are nearly over and the new is beginning this month late title or not and this is the one Marvel book I chose to spotlight. $3.99
And that brings me to just under nineteen dollars and is where I should stop for this week.... Though I may buy Dr. Strange, OmegaMen, TMNT 50, and perhaps Avengers 0 for the Ultimates preview..... )but they are not what I think new assign all boost....
So are collection more your bag.... You can get two in the twenty dollars this week that are absolutely brilliant.
Bitch Planet 1 Extraordinary Machine
This is the comic you should be reading, it's everything I look for its got character with heart and such dire stakes they have to deal with; it's also wonderfully subversive and satyrical of the daily BS we live with. Kelly Sue Deconnick and Valentine De Landro spoke at several different panels at Rose City Comic Con about this book that has touched and motivated many fans pretty deeply in its five issue run so far an speaks to the dangers of the divided prejudicial judge mental Patriarchial society we live in... It's been stated in the letters page that we already live on bitch planet and the only negative I can see in the collection is that it does not contain the back matter essays and the letters from the community building around this work. $9.99
Injection volume 1
And for the other half of the twenty you can get the exploration into a possible singular apocalypse by the MoonKnight team of Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey. Where as Bitch Planet will make you think about the way the world is fucked up this will make you wonder about how the world could be fucked up under the surface... Sure it's a what if story that posits something crazy but we live in a pretty sci fi Magic world already and for the most part are blasé about it... Injection makes me think of all thing the original Matt Wagner Mage series as there is a lot of magic I. The world around us we just refuse to see at out peril. Declan's pages in this book are stunning in ways that are subtle and impressive when you consider all the work that has going into them. It's a book that is confusing but in a really good way and picking this up will prime you for the second story arc that Warren promises will be more user friendly. $9.99
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