Hello, welcome to me weekly posting if my personal pull list edited down to a manageable twenty dollar budget... I do try to keep close to this but sometimes like last week it didn't quite go that way. I try to hit the books I'm both most looking forward to and Spotlight the ones I kinda can't do without. As my tastes kind of lean to the more fringe titles some weeks are bitter sweet as they represent the end of a series (like this week)
Angela Queen of Hel 7 $3.99
For me this book has been all aces; I loved this book in all its incarnations across the last two years but sadly I'm among a small group of fans that did it seems. Margurite Bennett, Stephanie Hans and Kim Jacinto have been creating a bit of modern pop myth infused with plenty of geeky references with these women and it's been a joy of a book to support. Books like this that recall that along with all the angst and bombast that comics are about characters loving life and the joy and fun of living and as this book mainly took place in the asgardian version of Hel it says a lot for the lust for life that the stories had. Sera, Angela and Leah tale is sadly one of those that will be short and full of wonderful unfulfilled promise. Marguerite didn't shy from the established open sexuality of the lead pair as she brought them back together across the seven issues of this book... I'd say that if you ever were wanting the book do your FLCS a solid and pick up issues of this and enjoy the glorious fun and artistry in it. I'll miss this one dearly.
Ultimates 6 $3.99
Al Ewing is doing a different bit of full on audacious in this book too I mean who else would make Galactus a regular fixture and transform him into something new after all this time. This issue is illustrated by Christian Ward who draws the sci fi gender flipped revision of the Odyssey assures that this issue will give th big former purple giant his due. Like marvel's thought that a certain armored hero is the flagship character they think of Guradians as the cosmic one but really it's this full in crazy book really playing in the way out there cosmic Kirby pool these days. Without doing any exposition about string theory Al is recklessly exploring that territory outside the multiverse by going outside. For my interest this book has the best Marvel has to offer with America Chavez, the Blue Marvel, Black Panther and Captain Marvel along with the new Lifebringer... crazy fun book inheriting the pop science Kirby tradition...
Injection nine $2.99
Perhaps I can keep the theme transition thing going as Injection is another different weird audacious book that is exploring the boundaries of creation. Warren Ellis and Declan Shelvie along with their glorious colorist have been pushing the boundaries of the real with this take or modern mythology mixed with singularity story. Injection is a book that has yet to reveal what Warren has hidden behind the curtain but we have at least a better idea of the story behind the story now, unless we don't yet and that's ok as Warren has a brilliant cast of misfits and manipulators in this twisty turn-y thriller. It's a bit of mythic X-files without all the will they won't they sexual tension to keep you watching. Shalvey and Bellaire make this compelling story irresistible as the book is one of the best looking out there and that says a lot as I love the art in so many right now.
Image + $1.99 or free with Daimond Previews....
Hold on what's this... it's been ages since the old days of Marvel Age and though most of this is just the image catalogue that they have been releasing for free online this promises to include short original comic work. I'm not sure if it's just a bit of preview of the first issue of things or if it's going to be a bit outside of that but it certainly has my interest. The first installment of this is a bit from the upcoming book from Bryan Lee O'Malley and artist Lesie Hung... it presents a girl Lottie who might be one thing or might be something else and the art looks a joy so I'm interested in seeing it. In addition to that I'm interested to see what this magazine might be other then mearly paid for in house adds. Anyway reminds me of the old Marvel Age magazine that was actually a pretty good book in addition to the hype.
Faith 4 $3.99
Got to end the list as it began with an audacious book that is not afraid to be what it is,and Jody Houser's Faith is unabashedly a superhero book. Faith is the same wonderfully geeky hero she was in the Harbinger and Unity title and this book is a great companion book to Ms Marvel as I think Jody remembers what makes for great comics. As with Ms Marvel also it's great to see a character that presents a different "face" in the medium but has a writer confident enough about the story and her readers that this aspect of the title is not a focal point or even a point of comment. As Valiant has established parts of its future history we know she is considered one of the great heroes and it's obvious as her strength of character and conviction shine through even in this initial miniseries... she is my favorite Valiant character and I'm glad to see her story getting a chance to go beyond just these four issues with the same writer.
As Insexts 6 was delayed so that makes this a twenty dollar week... Hope to get an other couple posts out this week... Time will tell...
Let me know what is doing it for you this week...
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