Well it was confirmed in the weekend that Nighthawk is ending with issue 6 regardless of Marvel supporting David Ramon and Tamara's vision on the book; loved issue 4 that just came out and I still think that people should totally support it through October. It will join Angela in my ended way too soon pile. Anyway this is a great week coming up and I'm doing this a bit different though I'm still keeping to a bit of my twenty dollar budget I'm going to suggest add an optional book or two as well why not... I'm still starting with a must have for the week.
Kim & Kim 2 $3.99
The first issue of Mag's Visaggio' s bounty hunter buddy story was really a joy to read so it's got to top the list this week; Magdalene posted to Twitter it was out this Wednesday and though Diamond doesn't list it I trust her to know. If you missed its a very cute sort of anime looking book illustrated by Eva Cabera in colored in bright neon done by Claudia Aguirre about a truly supportive friendship between really well matched totally opposite women both named Kim. The world building in this grabs from multiple sources and comes off as a weird melding of fantasy and science fiction elements making this familiar and recognizable premise totally its own thing and th story is full on friendly to pretty much everything except kids as it gets kinda risqué and real about crap. I'm really hoping its out this week as I'm exited to visit with the girls again. (Bit of an update...its been delayed till the first Wednesday of September)
Mae 4 $3.99
Issue three friendly got us to the fantasy side of this weird magical portal story and kicked the story about Mae and her sister Abby into high gear and is rally what I wanted from the Kickstarter volume. The strange and weird abound in the world through the rock and Abby appears to be not so much loved by the people that have taken over. Gene Ha treated us to some cleaver plotting as well as loads of gorgeous art in our first experience of his fantasy realm. What this cover implies I have hopes that we'll get some weird magic mad scientist stuff in this coming issue but who knows and that is half the fun of original stories. With works so personal to the artist and owned by them I've most enjoyed the wonder of enountering something fresh and new even if it's a play on older themes. If you have missed it and anything I have said entices you hope your local shop has some to hand as its really good stuff.
Postal 14 $3.99
This title sneaking its way onto my list I blame that on listening to the Black Comics Chat podcast and hearing Bryan hill talk about this book, how it came about and his passion for storytelling, oh and his next coming title Romulus. Postal is a thriller set in a town both on and off the grid; its that last refuge for the criminally minded and has its own quester for justice in the local mailman who just happens to suffer from aspergers. I do enjoy a good thriller along the the weird and offbeat lines much like Nailbiter, the novel Touch which I reccomend without reservation and morally complex work like the Wire; Postal certainly fits the bill though it involves nothing paranormal as is my usual want the town of Eden lacks nothing in morally grey characters with oh so very personal agendas. What I think made it a must check out was Bryan being conscious of the pricetag on books and his verbal intent to deliver on that price.
Legend of Wonder Woman 9 $3.99
I know, wait, what about the Greg Rucka run on the book, well I happen to be really charmed by this take in the character too as its been as good or better then some of the wonder women up till, well, recently. Renae de Liz and Ray Dillon's take on Diana bring her back to her World War Two roots in this reimagined origin tale keeping all the wonderful complexity that she has gained over the years and set aside continuity issues in favor telling a better more cohesive and more relatable story. This is more the all ages kind of thing we need that respects the past and the reader. The art is vibrantly colored and to me totally charming without tipping into cute. There will soon be a compilation of the entire nine issue run and it did get released as digital too so there are plenty of avenues to take a look at this. It's great to see a version of the Wonder Woman story that avoids objectifying her.
Jem and the Holograms 18 $3.99
Jen Bartel's illustrations are one of the things that get me through the day when they pop up on my Twitter feed so I'd likely pick this up even if I wasn't hooked by Kelly Thompson's writing and take on the characters. Much like Legend of Wonder Woman this book has style, substance and happens to be pretty much all ages to boot, the last story arc fleshed out the Pizzaz, the Misfits, Crash and Blaze in ways that justified my thoughts that Kelly and Sophie were giving them as much thought and agency as the Holograms (There is even a bit of a substantiated rumor of a Misfits spinoff). This issue is a lead in to the next set of changes in the characters lives bringing in a new rival band and moving characters into new spaces. It's fun to have a few books that are not all cosmic crisis and fisticuffs.
DC Bombshells Annual 1 (alternate or extra) $4.99
Marguerite Bennett is a name that turns up in my recommendations a lot and here is another of her books that I'm pretty likely to break my budget for. What could be better then a new book written by Marguerite well it would be getting a good illustrated by Elsa Charretier who did the thirtieth issue of Harley Quinn, the Infinity Loop miniseries and is going to be the artist on the new Wasp series at Marvel in the fall. This story is apparently a secret story of the Great War so it should be a stand alone and from the issues I've read DC Bombshells is a great elseworlds kind of ride... for me I was sold with the creative team what can I say I'm too much a fan sometimes.
Image Plus 5 $1.99
For me having grown up during the Marvel Age era of comics, when Marvel had their monthly book that both hyped and detailed what was coming out and also gave you interviews and articles this magazine from image is a nostalgic gem. I like to get a bit of a inside view into the industry I love so much; it's why I dig the iWord podcast with David Brothers and this is kind of a magazine version of that. The interview mainly image creators but have brought in new voices too and I do like a bit of hype and it certainly does a bit of that to be honest. It's also got two original comic in it one currently is a Walking Dead story about the character Negan and the other is an editorial piece by Brandin Graham which is usually a hoot, no I'm not that old I just like that statement.
That gets me into the twenty five dollar range and I have not even mentioned Saga 37, Tokoy Ghost 10 and the Gotham Academy Annual which would push me well towards forty dollars which is too rich for me given all the bills I had this month. I guess you can't have it all. Let me know what you think I missed.