Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Comics Pull List August 17 2016

Oh so much good coming out this week it will be hard to choose what I would choose as my have to get book this time around. It's also a week that keeping to my twenty dollar pull list budget might be a bit hard but as always I'll try to hit the books that might just excape your notice...hell every week in my excitement over X I usually miss another book I've been looking forward to or actually posted about in my pull list. Anyway on with the list.

PowerMan and IronFist 7 $3.99

It's a Civil War II, which I have been not following, tie in issue penciled again by fill in artist Flaviano Armentaro who does a pretty nice version of Sanfords take on the characters. When I think about my top choices and how frequently if they are marvel they happen to be a David F Walker book and its because he delivers stories that are worth the high cost of admission. This issue brings in Misty Knight one of my favorite characters from their huge stable of characters and who almost always has to punch above her level, though it's a brief appearance I expect it's a welcome nod to their long past together. Danny is in jail and Cage is going to have to do something about that; it's a bit of a flip flop of their usual places and may lead to interesting times to come. Anyway love everything about this reimagined buddy book, thanks to David Walker and his art pairings for bringing them back.

Backstagers 1 $3.99

So I was planning on looking at this anyway but one of the people I follow on Twitter apparently got a peek at it and gave it pretty high marks and as her book is one that delivered despite the months of anticipation I have to give this a nod. James Tynion IV who does the much lauded book The Woods and was a contributor to Batman Eternal and Ryan Sygh, the artist on Munchkin, bring this boys school drama team to life. We encounter this fantastic world through the eyes on a new transfer student who joins the stage crew and discovers that one of the backstage doors leads to true magical places. I'm thinking this will be a book more about the friendships made between this players on the stage spiced by a bit of weird urban fantasy. Social media has turned me on to a lot of the books I like these days and I suspect this will be yet another winner.

Supergirl Rebirth 1 $2.99

I was never much of a Superman fan; I did I read his books on and off after Crisis of Infinite Earths but I have always liked Supergirl especially her adventures with the Legion of Superheroes, oh and the TV show has a lot of charm. This is the Rebirth book that got my attention when I watched the convention event when they revealed the books and their creative teams. Last year I was pretty vocal about my enjoyment of Steve Orlando's take on Midnighter and though Supergirl is as much a much different character then M that I can imagine I think at their core both of them are drive by a hope of creating a better world. Emanuella Lupacchino is getting to draw this Rebith issue so I know Kara will have a beautifully drawin and probably dynamically paced book out of the gate; the new 52 version never did much for me so I have great hopes for this take and full faith in the team behind it.



Mockingbird 6 $3.99

Chelsea Cain's story took me completely by surprise and that is a good thing, this is not at all the book I expected her to write it's more like Matt Fractions Hawkeye in tone compared to the usual suspects fare. She delvels into Bobbi's troubled mind and the weirdness in the life of a Marvel superspy the the other spy come assassin come hero books they put out and it's a joy really. I wish Marvel would leave the books I love out of the their crossover madness; Chelsea looks to be sending Bobbi to a hero fan convention in this tie in title to hopefully hide among nerd culture and I suspect a bit of meta fiction to come out of this couple issue story arc.


Blackhammer 2 $3.99

Somehow this is the perfect book to write about after that take on Mockingbird. Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston's weird cross over event fall out story fits right in I think. Why would I say I think as I got the first issue a month back, well to be honest I still have yet to read it so I think needs to suffice here. Event comics often leave characters as victims in their wake that linger till someone brings them back and his is a book that tells their story while they await their next shot at the mainstream or at least that is what I thought of it as looking at the previews. The pages I saw were pretty amazing and Jeff has yet to really dissapoint me with the stories he tells.

Descende 14 $2.99

The last book I'm picking to fully write about this week barely in my budget is another Jeff Lemire book. I can never really mention Descender without extolling the water color painted work of Dustin Nguyen and the awe in which I hole the way he's telling this story. This character spotlight is hitting the robo-dog companion which waited a decade among corpses for Tim-21 to awaken again. I suspect it's may be a bit of a horror tale but I'm not really sure what to expect and that is a good place to be in for me as I like to be surprised.


This week I'm also picking up Insexts 7 and Wicked + the Divine 22, likely Horizon 2 and Demonic 1 but I have to try to keep to some rules... Let me know what your picking up


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