Hope that anyone who went to NYCC had a spectacular time of it; there were several panels that I got to see snippets of and am jealous of the people who got to attend, being on the west coast I do miss out on some of the guests that attend mainly the east cost cons next year perhaps I'll go eastwards for a con if I can swing it. Anyway all that aside this weeks books
Shutter 23 $3.99
So the time I have been dreading is upon us as Joe Leila Owen and John and heading into what is the last story arc... though it promises to be a long finale knowing the story is winding down makes me sad as I will miss them all but every good story does have an ending. Shutter has been an exploration of a ninty percent more fantastic world then the one outside our windows and a very meta look at the comics genre across the medium as a whole touching on so damn much. I'd encourage people who aren't reading it to pick it us as the book is just that good a time overall created by people who love what they are doing and work together so well. Not sure if we're looking at six eight or ten more issues but it's sure to be a mix of bitter and sweet. I gentle caution do not flip through issue 22 at your own peril.
Monstress 7 $3.99
Well, as Shutter is winding down its great to have Monstress winding up as anyone who discovered it in its first arc already knows. The world created by the collaboration between Marjorie Liu and The amazing Sana Takada is by far one if my favorite new fantasy settings including elements of horror, steampunk, kaiju and complex politics and social ideas that add to the meat of this so beautifully illustrated story. Monstress is one of the couple of books I can say looks as good inside panel to panel as the covers do and I have no clue how Sana manages that level of detail and depth. Monstress exploits the comic medium to tell a really huge story in very clever ways revealing more in the pages out so far then some novelists do in a doorstop sized volume or two. If I measured other books by both Shutter and Monstress I'd likely spend less money.
Wonder Woman 8 $2.99
Greg Rucka' s writing on Wonder Woman has been pretty solid actually and I have enjoyed the book but my reason for putting this issue up on my list for sure is the fact that South American artist Bilquis Eveley is doing the art and she is an artist I'd love to see get more work. I loved her pairing with David F Walker on Shaft vol 1 and the bits of the Sugar and Spike she did with Kieth Giffen I got to see. Her art style is reminiscent of several of the artists I loved years growing up including Mark Bright who did so many of my favorite books. She put up some bits of panels from this on her Twitter feed and the book looks a joy to me and we'll I think Cheetah needs to get some well earned respect again as she's been around DC's stable of regular characters a long long time so it's nice to see her get the focus for at least an issue.
Doom Patrol 2 $3.99
Okaay issue one was pretty weird but it's Greald Way of the Umbrella Acabemy and it's the Doom Patrol and that is both his and the titles stock in trade. Issue one gave us exploding roommates and gyros ran over Robotman with a garbage truck and what the hell is up in Niles Caulder and that keyboard anyway. The people behind this book introduced several new characters a few old ones and lots and lots of questions. This issue promises to hit us with Negative-man and overall I suspect it's going to be anything but what I expect so I'll just say hit me with the weirdness. Oh and better yet this book is colored by the amazing Tamara Bonvillain.
Southern Cross 8 $3.99
So I was right in my thinking that I would miss the Alex Braith and the colorful crew of the Southern Cross but elements of the new cast members and their reactions to the loss of the ship and the fall out of that loss has hooked me into their story pretty solidly. Andy Bellanger again is playing with page design in interesting ways as characters move through ladders and corridors drawing the eye along the cool art he's laying down. The loss of the Southern Cross has put the new players we meet in a terrible pinch as their supplies disappeared with the ship and added to their personal stakes real peril to their survival till the next supply ship arrives. This is science fiction. For people who miss the feel of movies like Alien, Blade Runner and Outland and novels like the books of the Expanse series.
Glitterbomb 2 $3.99
Jim Zub delivers on the promise of bringing some horror to the unforgiving Hollywood entertainment industry. Some kind of creature has taken up residence in the body of the aging heroine of the book and grants her...well something where we have yet to see play out but it taps into anger, frustration and dispair things in abundance in the life of a struggling actor or hell a struggling anything these days. I'm very curious to know the fall out of the bloody events of the first story and how they play out. This is one of the image books making use of the back matter to give us industry essays to reveal the reality of things and that is irresistible to me nowadays. Oh and the new artist Jim found to work with is pretty brilliant and you should fully check out the book to see his work.
PowerMan & IronFist 9 $3.99
David F Walker is so not afraid of writing controversial thought provoking and maybe argue worthy stories I wish knew more people these days that read comics. I'm not all that into the whole CW2 thing but David has made this crossover work in his street level hero story putting Danny in prison among entrapped and wrongly imprisoned men and then allowing Luke to be Luke and try to do the right thing somehow. At certain times in the Marvel playground there's a book that is the right book for the time and this in the book that's hitting that spot right now for here and now David is writing it and Flaviano along with Sanford Greene are killing it on the art. I'm hoping that the Luke Cage series's will bring people into check out the comic it's not the same thing but it's so damn good it's a shame if people miss it.
I've gone just about seven dollars over budget this week so perhaps I will be setting a book or two aside for next time but I do think that all of these are worth your time and comics money...
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