Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Comics Pull List Oct 19 2016

I've been watching a fearing how many books looked to be arriving this Wednesday and over the month it's become a week I don't have so many hard choices to make as both sadly and with a bit of a sense of relief some books have been delayed. So this week it seems that I may just keep it to my twenty dollar comics budget without setting books aside for later in the month. Also sadly this week one of the books I've been really loving is ending it appears, it's also the book Diamond has mis-shipped most often over the last eight months, at least four times so far.


Mockingbird 8 $3.99

I just read this last week on Chelsey Cain's twitter that 8 is the final issue and would have loved to see an NC t-shirt wearing Bobbi on he cover but alas seem that wouldn't fly. This is on of the few Marvel books whose creative team is all female including the editor and is about a woman who is not an ex assassin, ex villain or a clone of Wolverine (actually X-23 I happen to really like). Mockingbird has been a fun book that has actually managed to give Bobbi Morse a voice of her own and allowed her to shine (sometimes literally) and star in her own story and not be nearly supporting cast for someone else's. If you would like to hear Chelsey Cain talk about the book this here is an excellent interview from the site Graphic Policy it gives hints about where the book may have gone and is a really great conversation with a writer how most definately has something to say.

Spell on Wheels 1 $3.99

Three modern day witches seet out on a road trip to get back some magical shit that was stolen from them written drawn colored and graced by a cover all by women; even if it didn't a mix of Supernatural and Thelma and Louise I'd be picking it up. The premise had me but when I saw it was written by Kate Leth I knew if be supporting it as I really enjoy her as a storyteller. The art by Megan Levens and Marissa Louise is a little reminiscent of Margueritte Savage who has done so many short comics I've loved moved it into the must get category. Given I'm a fan of the look of the book and the writer It may take a bit more to convince you so here is a link to a CBR interview to entice you a bit more I hope.

Black Panther 7 $3.99

I will gave a Marvel this at least they did t cancel Black Panther six months into the boom to relaunch it at number 1 again but having two numbers of this cover is kinda silly as it is number 7. Last issue ended with T'challa getting some help from a group a likely associates including Storm, Luke Cage, Misty Knight and Manifold most of whom we last saw gathered together in to remember Jim Rhodes who sadly was fridged to start Civil War 2. Wakanda over the last six months has been plunged into a state of Civil War by the factions within and outside it and it may not be enough to forstall the end of his reign as king of Wakanda. Ta-Nehisi Coates has proven to be much more then just a eloquent comic fan and brilliant essayist he's most definitely an eloquent and amazingly capable comics writer.


Black Hammer 4 $3.99

Writing iconic characters and modern archetypes has got to be a blast as Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston's Black Hammmer as they seem to be having one hell of a good time with this book building the mythology behind their cosmic crisis lost heroes. Jeff is getting to reference heroes that I have loved all my life with his collection of exiles in this book and as they are totally theirs he can allow them to honestly grow and change where they are not beholden to their corporate overlords...well at least as long as the sales on this merit it getting published. If you like the legacy heroes from one of the big two here is were to see a creative team run wild with ideas if your up for that kind of thing.

Rumble 15 $3.50

I've got to be honest that though I've enjoyed this modern day era spin on sword and sorcery mixed with demons by one of the writers behind the Mike Mignola book BPRD, it's one of the books I'm sorely behind on as I've been distracted by other things. This issue beings to an end the third story arc which saw one of the antagonists take the body of our hero and literally walk away with it. As its October and this is a bit of a horror adventure story even if it borders on comedy at times I think it's time to check in with this book again.


And I'm out for the week and surprisingly under budget this time ...and so so so far behind when it comes to inktober...


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