Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Comics Pull List August 9, 2017

Hello and wrlcome to another Wednesday list of the comics that I'm particularly looking forward to. I try to keep this thing to around twenty dollars and this week I think I cone pretty close.


Redlands 1 $3.99

I've listened to some interviews with Jordie Bellaire and known she's much more then just a brilliant colorist. Im exited to read something that she's written and is passionate about as much as I am to see Vanessa Del Rey got to do sequential work again as I think I've only ever seen her Constantine fill-ins and a few scandalous bits on instagram. This is a story of a Florida town called Redlands and the coven of witches that plan to take over for the the failures of local law enforcement. It's gotten high praise from some big comics names like Snyder, Thompson and Ellis but to me it's the names Bellaire and Del Rey that sold me on it long ago when I saw the original solicit.

Ray Palmer's Atom was in one of the first comics I recall loving when I was a kid which was a Brave and the Bold in which he was in a back up with Superman. I also have really fond memories of the Sword of the Atom series that Gil Kane illustrated so the name Ray Palmer would have gotten my attention here. I've enjoyed this Justice League of America incanation though so I was already on board even with out a mention of the microverse (even if it's not the one I recall). What has surprised me about this book is how well Lobo fits here and just how much I like him along side Vixen, Killer Frost and Black Canary, I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention the relationship growing between Frost and Choi that I find pretty charming.

Mister Miracle 1 $3.99

This one I may not need to be signal boosting for as it's Tom King and Mitch Gerad's but as it's not a sequel to Sherif of Babylon and it is a Jack Kirby project I have to. In the kinda bleak and depressing world we are seeing outside the window we need the optimism of Mister Miracle Scott Free and Big Barda in the world. I have not a clue what they plan to do with this twelve issue series but I'd be happy to just pay for it all up front as I loved Tom King's Omega Men and the Grayson book he wrote with Steve Orlando (Not too into his Batman but I loved his creation Gotham Girl so....)



Sacred Creatures 2 $3.99

Sacred Creatures 1 was a 66 page monster of a gorgeous book. I have yet to get to do more then read the first few pages. The feeling I get from it is similar to the sparks I felt from the early Wicked and the Divine but if anything along a more serious tone. I listened to a marvelous interview with Klaus Janson the fully sold me on the book when I had kind of neutral about it prior. All the issues will apparently be oversized to some extant and if you look at the cover to the right it gives a very good impression of what the book really looks like.

Gotham Academy Second Semester 12

I'm putting this up because this book really deserved more attention in single issues the it did. I know it's gotten a lot of trade sales and might best have been marketed that way but I'm a month to month kind of buyer and am sad this is going away. Listening to Becky Cloonan talk about the book I know they did at least get to finish the story arc they pitched initially and that is why I'm boosting for this book. The art by Adam Archer has also been pretty animation influenced amazing in the issues I've gotten to read. Hope they get another chance to visit this side of Gotham again.

Low 19 $3.99

This book started when I was kinda not into Rick Remender and it's sad I didn't just check it out because the writing on it is pretty damn awesome. Dave McCaig and Greg Tocchini's artwork on this book is really some of the most stunning sequential work that is around right now; for me it's right up there with Emma Rios in terms of graphic experimentalism and readability. I checked it out finally mainly because of the amazing art and the fact I picked up a couple of the charity covers recently and gave it an honest chance. Sure I'm pretty lost but the story makes sense in a way comics can it's a single issue is written well enough.


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