This was a week of books that well I think this quote says it pretty well... A wiser man then me once said Sometimes you eat the bear sometime well sometime the bear he eats you..
And by that I'm referring to expectations when it comes to reading....
Mad Max Furiosa #1
I try not to do this on my blog but I think most fans of the movie need to know what another fan who loves both the movie and its message thinks about this. There is only one choice I can defend in this and that is the maintance of the myster behind Furiosa herself and giving more focus on Angharad, Capeable, Cheeto, Toast and the Dag. The story they chose to tell is one that focuses on the one so well defined in the movie and also not needed to be seen, the victimization they suffered under Joe and his men... we know it happened and we know these women are affected by it deeply but there is more to them all the just being things as they so well stated in the movie.this is one purchase I was trepidatious about and seems I was right to be. It doesn't change how much I still love the film but you can pass this over and get yourself some Pretty Deadly, Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel or The marvelous Bitch Planet to name just a few great feminist books... Sad but have very little good to say about this one tempted to quote a moment from the movie and I'm going to go with "That's bait"
Ms Marvel #16
The brilliance of this book is the way G Willow Wilson keeps building on what she has done before and makes this end of the world tie in Kamala and crews' story. Alphona does a great job with all the massive crowd scenes and though I have been in on the incursion story since New Avengers 1 the event here as he illustrated it was pretty frightening in light everyone's ignorance of this impending end. This book really taps into just how much matters to Kamala, her family her friends her city and the bigger pcicture. I loved how she is willing to do what needs be done and even in the face of a planet pappearing in the sky she is willing to try. The cameo on the final page is so well worth waiting a year and a half for her to arrive, gave me chills. Love this book and the creative team never dissapoint. Can't wait till next month for the team up between the marvels. Aces.
Black Canary #1
Brenden Fletcher Annie Wu and Lee Loughridge created an experience to paraphrase Garnet from Steven Universe. Let's talk about colour, this book looks like little out there right now with the palet that Lee is working with and it does create a real mood for the book much like the unique colours used for a certain book also about music. Though being a reader of the magnificent reimagined Batgirl helped set up this new book its fully accessible wether you know about D.D.s past or not. This book is a fun and interest creating read, I want to know more about these characters and I also dig the fact that there was a bit of a fake out with the plot that was built up in the eight page preview. I almost can fully forgive the half page add ALMOST. Annie Wu is someone I'm new to but I dig her use of expression and I have to look at it again as I'm trying to create a bit of a drawing style myself. Not to gush on but Black Canary is pretty aces in my book...
Giant Days #4
So let's keep the ball rolling with another female lead book and another one I can fully endorse as its a good read. The characters in this one are college students, no superpowers here though just regular real world issues. This books is a lot about freindships, relationships and the rash actions and assumptions we and others may make. The book is a bit funny a but weird a bit sad and a bit frustrating in that these characters act like people you know and people screw up make asses of themselves and others and all that. The art is a real joy to look at for me being a bit comicy and a bit animated looking and well its nice to have something like this among the other things I read.... Pretty great marks all told.
Runaways #1
I wish I could comment on this one but I got a certain book that really dissappointed me instead...
Anyway I'm going to go see Mad Max this week and look forward to better books this Wednesday
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