These weeks don't happen to me that often... Weeks when I really only have a single book that I would normally pick up so I get to kind of play a bit picking up books I might have otherwise passed on or go back and get some that I did pass on as I didn't want to stretch to pick up in my loose twenty dollar budget...
Papergirls 6 $2.99
Papergirls was one of the really enjoyable new books that oddly remains enigmatic as to what is really going on throughout its initial arc. Brian K Vaughan created a group of creat characters, put them through the wringer threw them around space and time and ended the arc with some of them tossed into our 2016 present from their era in the late eighties. Between the crazy cool story by Brian and the beautiful pages created by Cliff Chiang and Matt Wilson, whose linked pallet if colors create a stunning look overall, this is one of books your really should not miss out on and as this week we get the collection you don't have to... And we're I not crazy I'd save some money and leave it there...but
Power Ranger: Pink 1 $3.99
Ok I'll be honest even on a week where I was already at budget I would be likely to pick this up as the writing team includes Kelly Thompson (Jem, A-force) and Brenden Fletcher (Gotham Academy, Batgirl and Black Canary) and the few preview pages by the art team of Danielle De Nicuolo and Sarah Stren looks pretty damn nice too. I will have to say I never watched what the American producers did with all the Sentai shows they bought and reworked for the American market but I did have great fun watching the original series' when I got the chance in the late eighties and early nineties and miss those opportunities now. I look forward to seeing new stories about a character I've seen buy not really seen in this incarnation. I'm pretty confident the book is in excellent loving hands and worth the admission price. Oh and all those cover choices....
Punisher 2 $3.99
So as time has not allowed me to get to last months Punisher 1 I'm taking it on my faith in the kick ass writing of Becky Cloonan and the art of Steve Dillon that this is a book worth my attention and money. I will say that having Frank Castle mentioned in one of the books I did get to this week (Nighthawk... And good stuff it was...Plug plug) reminded that this was coming soon. Becky writes characters that are dark and disturbed quite well and has a great grasp of creating a sense of growing forbidding dread so I know that it's likely to be a worthy read. (Subsequently read the issue and fully justified in my opinion it's worth a look...)
The Revisionist 1 $3.99
Aftershock books have been hit and miss at my FLCS as i think if no one asks for it taking a risk I know can be a bit of a step too far so I don't know if I can get this but as Frank Barbiere is writing e book it's likely to be a good lot of pulp fictiony fun. Time travel suspense and horror combined is a good mix so I will hope to get a look at it. On the whole I've been quite happy with the Aftershock books I have had the luck to get and I'm sorry I didn't think about preordering this to make sure. ...
Anyway this week has some other books that will do really well out of the gate that have the title Rebirth in the title and I know they need no more hype and I'm possibly picking one or two up despite misgivings as to how committed DC is to change (I already miss Midnighter and I worry about the tone of the new Batgirl, Birds of Prey, and have hopes for Suicide Squad but... Time will tell) the other big company had a book bannered by the title Civill War that I hope does not adversely affect title I love over the next couple months... There is lots of good to look forward to and DC Bombshells comes out this week and I'm well behind on that and Legends of Wonder Woman so I'm sure to kill my excess budget...
Till next post take care and remember why you love comics and genre media as some fans are taking things too too personal sometimes...
A-force 6 $3.99
Last months A-force was a real lot of fun with Kelly Thompson taking the reigns and looked amazing at the hand of Ben Caldwell and though it looks like he won't be on the title long the group of characters are a real joy. I mean honest how could you pass up a book that has Thor-Dazzler and punk rock Dazzler both in the same book. Of the many reasons to buy this is the sense of joy I get coming from the team working on it and look no crossover banner....