Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dead-Woods Best Comics of 2014

2014 has been a great year for me for comics and most of the books below have at one time or another been my choice for best of the year so for one reason or another they are all in my opinion worth at least a look...

And I'll start with comics I bought based solely on blogposts I found and if I can credit the source....(but most are left totally in the rabbit hole of Internet limbo but I thank them none the less....)

Best book I bought because of someone's blog post about them...

1. Hexed

As both a Lovecraft and urban fantasy fan I have to say that Hexed seems to be the book I didn't know I would love and I so would like to thank the blog that got me to take a look at it.... if only I could recall which it was. This isn't the first time astory following the advetures of a character named Lucifer (Lucy Jennifer) is the one that without fail,is the among the best of my monthly books. Art that is very much of the style and dynamism of manga yet managing to remain hard to pin down who's art it lookes like but its oh so petty. The cast like many of my favorites is mainly feminine and unlike other urban fantasies they aren't so much the "chosen" one but are special because of who they are and what they bring to the table. The story is all caper tale with the stakes being so much more than money. If the description and the art hook you its great stuff and that's why I put it up first.


Superheroes from Dark Horse are an on again off again thing for me, they really are either my bag like last years Caralyst Comics or the pulp story I will have to pick up called Captain Midnight or something like Ghost that I really want to dig but never manages to really hook me. Sundowners is a psychological horror story that features a superhero support group and for did make me wonder if the "heros" were just mentally cracked and there was little other really going on. Tim Seeley has endeared his characters to me no matter their sanity or lack there of and stories like this that make me doubt the reliability of the narrator appeal to both in fiction and in sequential art. The extraordinary extraterrestrial threat in Sundowners is one that only some people can see and to me is reminiscent to me of the old movie They Live! and Slither



This was a title that almost passed me by and been a part of the next category but due to the comments on Multiversity Comics and CBR (Comic Book Resources) I went and grabbed up the second printing of issue one and as happy to have given it a go. Its a story that has a great deal in common with the portal fantasy stories I recall from childhood like Alice in Wonderland, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and the Wizard of Oz but by way of Indiana Jones. Joe Keating who totally charmed me with his take on the iconic female hero in Glory is at it again telling more great stories. Based ion how much I'm enjoying this many layered adult take on fantasy I'm likely to be picking up his book Techjacket next... Oh woe s my budget.... The big bonus now is that the first collected volume just came out and its oh so nice to look at it sould be on your post Christmas list. Joe spends time making all his characters wether walk ons or regulars fully conceived no matter the fates that befall them. Recommend unreservedly.



Best books of 2013 I'm so glad I revisited....

East of West

Honestly I do not know why I stopped this three issues into the series given now that I go back to reread them. Hickman and Dragotta's apocalyptic western future is just the kind of blend of weird and scienc fiction that is right up my alley.min the last year it's been revealed what the emnity between Death and the other three horsemen of the apocalypse; the tensions between the fractured american landscape have grown and through economic collapse, treachery and assassination the stage has been set for next years march towards war. What was wrong with me this is pretty much everything I look for in a comic when its not superheroes also its got two great secondary characters in Crow and Wolf who are undeniably cool. Death has suffered a good deal in the last year and there is like to be hell to pay. Issue 16 hits the stands on Dec 31 and here's hoping my FLCS got some of the alternate covers....

Manifest Destiny

Issue 12 in particular was pretty marvelous in how it presented the Indian nations. I loved the dichotomy presented by the art and the third person text boxes. This is american history as twisted by the existence of weird gates and lesser gods across the countryside, gates the natives avoid for good reason. Manifest Destiny presents characters as very believe able people with all their sloth, greed, arrogance and bloody minded vengence. This one issue I can say hooked me and makes this series a must have so I'm guessing that makes it a winner in more ways then one. This is the story of Lewis and Clark twisted by the influence of Lovecraft like horrors and the like. If anything this is a great companion title to East of West given that both have a skeptical view of western, read white, society and its supremacy. Anyone who is enjoying the show Sleepy Hollow would most like feel at home in with books. I for one have to catch up on Manifest Destiny and want to spread the word its pretty damn good.



Best just started book I expect to top lists next year or even this one....

Bitch Planet

Yes totally this title, Kelly Sue Deconnick surely is among my favorite authors this last couple years with Captain Marvel and Pretty Deadly and now the very strongly opinionated title Bitch Planet. Kelly Sue's advisors in the story she's telling should get at least part of the credit because they are steering her to the more real choices in the storytelling and will create a more challenging book because of it. The cast of this book looks very little like any of the other female centric books out there and I for one look forward to more from this book and to the back up articles like the one that graced issue one. Great book. Be non compliant.


Matt Fraction is someone I so miss from his marvel titles but I'm ever so happy for titles like this that push boundaries in storytelling. This book takes much from the classical tale of Odysseus including some of the storytelling structure bring them into a different medium and a new audience hopefully or in a new way. Like one of my other favorite books this year the title requires more attention and participation from the reader and that is a great thing because it moved the medium to somewhere new. I'm a fan of classical stories like the Illiad , the odyssey, Grendel and the epic of Gilgamesh and I dare anyone to pick up this and see that crazy gatefold panel and pick this genre mashup up for it. Also love the gender swapping of the characters and the mythology that grew out of that storytelling choice.




Best impulse buy


Weird gods an demons, giant swords and working class heroes in the modern post apocalyptic looking Detroit I have to say what is there not to love about this horror title with a sense of humor. John Arcudi who's been writing BPRD seemingly forever is stretching his legs here and the first issue was possibly my best choice for an impulse buy in the last year other then the odd issue of Nova or Deadpool. Dark alleys, desolate cityscapes, desperate looking people and a sword wielding dark scarecrow god wandering the panels all this and a fun bit of storytelling we seem to be getting here and I have to say what the hell is not to love about it.






Best Laugh of the year

Rocket Racoon 5

This issue, this issue. In particular had me laughing, laughing out loud from about the third page right up till the final panel. I've liked the book well enough because its been giving me Rocket and a few well placed giggles over the year but this issue beat all the laughs I got from Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel, and Secret Avengers over the year. Sure the laughs wee from the gimmick that drove the issue but Scotty Young and crew embraced the one trick pony and rode it for all it was worth, and it still made me laugh the second time around. Totally the best bang for my comic Buck that week. This more then any other Guardians or Rocket Racoon issue captured the joy of the movie for me. Excelsior.



Book that has given me the most chills up my spine

Thor 1-2

There have been several books that have been thrilling over the last year including several issues of Original Sin which I particularly liked but in terms of physical reaction to a story or in actuality a single panel its by far got to be Thor. The final frame in both issue one and two both drawn by Dauterman written by Aaron left me with a lighting like tingle up my spine and the last time I recall Thor causing that was way back in the Walt Simonson days. Don't get me wrong I loved the last volume its just this one has me hooked and I won't be skipping an issue of it.


And till tomorrow I'm going to leave my list at that... I need more time to think about what book, writer and artist I would pick or even if I can pick... So it may be more fun comments then on New Year's Day ... And I'll leave you with one of the best pieces of cover art....




Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sunday Comics Dec 28th 2014.... Look. For more Monday...


Grindhouse #2 Slay Ride

Alex de Campi delivers on all the promises she made in issue one of this two part Christmas nightmare tale that plays with the four deadly sins of the modern world. She manages to tell a tale that is both blunt and subtle at the same time and leaves an impression that pastes after the book is closed. That a lot for a book that claims to be a grindhouse story and it says loads for the amount to which Che and the art team managed to invest me in the characters but given I feel closer to my grand parents then to my parents maybe its just me reading more into the book then was intended. Still if you dig psychological horror this was something or a Christmas and do get both issues. Additionally they come with a "comming attractions" section of posters that are a hoot too.


Sundowners #5

Tim Seeleys superhero support group book has had me wondering for a couple issues if these characters are really cracked or is there is actually unearthly going on and this well its pretty clear now. I had yet to think about the concept for this book but really given the mental instability of most costumed heroes saying that superhero groups are really support groups is pretty apt. Concerned Citizen makes a real impression in this issue with his attempts to get help for both the man he fought and fellow Sundowner and Dr. Shreds shows he has hidden depth that was not obvious before. This is the series for people who love superheroes and want a little more from the story the the big two are often giving. If last weeks surprise Rumble had been a super hero book Sundowners might just be the book it might be...

Captain American and the Mighty Avengers #3

Al Ewing's name kind of gets lost at marvel with Deconnick, Hickman, Remender, Wilson and Bendis to name a few drawing attention but Al's Mighty Avengers kinda feeds my desires for superhero antics. This tie in adventure isn't what I really want given that I don't really like the axis version of Sam Wilson nor the Luke Cage but its all pretty fun and Al makes great choices with how he's developing his cast and their relationships. If anything it seems like this title comes out less then once a month because the other Avengers get so much exposure. Spectrum actually makes a great leader wether she's the reconized leader or not, She-Hulk is a great powerhouse fighter and if anything we need lots more of the new White Tiger as well as the Blue Marvel, Kalu and Powerman . Lots of real potential that needs more readers.... and thankfully this is the last Axis inverted issue. If anything I'd like to see this be the team Saber-ine joined over then new Uncanny Avengers...


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dec 24th Dead Wood Pull Sheet....


Grindhouse Vol 2 #2

Alex De Campi's irreverent horror exploitation title to me is the modern inheritor of the tradition of Tales from the Crypt, Vault of Horror, House is Secrets/House of Mystery and like anthology titles. She's giving us two to three issue story arcs and apparently will be revisiting past stories like the original killer bee influenced invasion tale. The art talent Dark Horse is investing in this book is pretty exceptional too. I personally love the fact were getting a suspense book called Slay Ride just in time for the big holiday. To me the first issue of this reminded me of Stephen King in a very good was with that kind of creeping dread. You know if this souds like your kind of thing. $3.99

Resurrectionists #3

Fred van Lente apparently has a great love of historical fiction and this story of serial reincarnation involing the classics heist plot elements started out strong. When one of the people in this world recall their past lives they get acces to more then just the memories but all their developed skills so though not superhuman these people have the accumulated experience of lifetimes. Loss is the core of the story for the main character come to the knowledge of the loss he suffered far in the Egyptian past and his repeated encounters with the woman he was married to and lost so long back. That said its more Italian Job then romantic drama or comedy and I have great hopes for complexity and feeling for the book. $3.50





They're Not Like Us #1

When it comes to new titles from the big two companies you can be pretty sure as to the kind of book your getting give or take a few here and there. From Image its sometimes predictable and other times not but its always interesting (I'm looking at you Rumble). This book looks to be something about how the new generation are not at all like the old one. I recall the writers name Eric Stephenson but I can't recall where and the art looks pretty good and given its fromSkybound which has yet to dissappoint me well I'll be trying this $2.99 title... Oh and if your not reading Manifest Destiny you are so kissing out on some good seditious storytelling.

Captain Amwrica and the Mighty Avengers #3

I'm not really happy with Axis, I love the exploration of the morals that villains really do sometimes have and like to see their hidden depths but somehow seeing the bad in the heroes just isn't... Well just isn't. This book is the one of the two Avengers titles that I do make an effort to get all of since Al Ewing has such a great way with character and story no matter what is intruding editorially into his story. I'm looking forward to the fight here since its like to be hilarious at times. Oh and the Blue Marvel is one of the characters I'm so glad to have encountered... $3.99


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday Comics Dec 21 2014


Rumble #1

This was the big surprise of the week for me which really should not have been one. I think the I have forgotten just how much I like Arcudi's writing, his combinations of horror/thriller tropes that make him the right partner for Mike Mignola on BPRD are firing here on all barrels. The desolate landscape conjured by his story and the artwork by Harren and Stewart could easily be some post apocalyptic modern or fantasy world but its very much ours once you look at it more closely. This book lived up to its promise to be like Robert E Howard adventure in the present by way of David Fincher. I've actually read it a couple of times and liked it more with each time. Looking at the art alone ignoring the dialogue as I used to do with manga before I could read Japanese even told the story quite well and reveals more then reading it alone. If Hellboy and BPRD is your game this is a very good impulse buy....

Wayward #5

Having mentioned manga Wayward comes to mind next given its setting in and around Tokyo, its steeping in Japanese folklore and media, and its half nihonjin and half Irish heroine Rorilane. Zub and crew throughout the series issues have dropped Easter eggs for manga/anime fans which include to some extent the characters they have introduced since they are a little familiar and a little new. Issue five brings to a conclusion the first story arc and though a completeish story leave pretty much every mystery un solved and open several more. This may not be top my urban fantasy title but it ranks a close second to Hexed and I can't wait for the two month hiatus to be over to see what the fall out of the finale of this issue will be. The only thing I wish was that the B cover was the one that my local friendly comic shop got in. I would really have preferred an Ayana cover to the one I could get. The single issues have a folklore back up article in the letters pages which may not make it into the collected edition that will come out with issue 6 so there is a reason to track down the single issues.


Captain Marvel #10 (aka 100)

Its a pretty charming letters from home story that follow up on the final story arc of the previous volume that star Carol's supporting cast including the incredible Lieutenant Trouble, Spider-woman (Jessica), and Jim Rhodes. Its one of the better anniversary issues I've read recently and I think its was because of the opening thrid of the story that starred Trouble I didn't realize just how much I missed her earth-side friends and though Tic is a character I like I enjoyed visiting with these guys too and hope Carol heads back to earth soon. Actually Kelly Sue did such a good job of reminding me that Jessica and Jim are around I'll probably pick up Spiderwoman this month and the Iron Patroit collection too, damn you Kelly.... Well worth the 4.99 is week...


Ms Marvel #10

G. Willow Wilson does a great job of making me really think about real world issues while she entertains me with Kamala's advetures and I hope that writing the Xmen doesn't take any of the vitality of this great book away. Issue 10 reveals what the inventor has been up to all along and its a surprisingly intriguing plot because its not just a conquer the world or get rich thing I think. As always the art in Ms Marvel is unique, characterful and overall amazing given that he's keeping a monthly schedule. As its one of the few $2.99 books from the house of ideas its probably the best value for money from Marvel and often pretty much the best read of the week, and in terms of superhero books its still is in my opinion even given the other books I loved this week.

Thunderworld #1 (Multiversity)

I have to apologize to Gran Morrison because though I've always been envious of his imagination and storytelling acumen I have often said he can't write endings that I like.... or at least not often like. This book any other week would have been that all out star for me because I have loved he Marvel Family since I was a child. Grant captured the atomic age monster movie crazy that I associate with Shazam and the childlike brilliance of the character. It is odd to think that the mind that wrote this gleefully fun superhero book also wrote last months Pax Americana. All I can say is more of this please; he got across innocence that superhero books can have even in the face of horrific events. Somehow the master of weird grim and grime can also embrace weird adventures that are near four color. The art in the book is brillant too captureing the spirit of the Marvel Family as good as anyone I can think of. Like Cap Marvel well worth $4.99



The Wicked + The Divine #6

Again any other week and this would have been at the head of the list but well I was spoilt for great books this week. The last issue finished up the initial arc that starred one of my favorite deity for fiction that being Lucifer. This picks up the story some time later and brings in Inana who like the others we had heard about but had yet to meet. The georgeous art and very down to earth social relations focused story opens up more of the world but does so just a little like the first five issues. The darker elements of this series take on a different tone with this and I did quite enjoy the worry expressed by our heroine. If you like socially complex books that have a lot of myster to them this is a book to look at and its really really pretty besides. Its a great double feature with a book like Saga and better yet its one of the ones with the inexpensive first collections....



Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Dead-Wood pull list Dec 17 2014


Captain Marvel #10

Feeling pretty spoiled for Kelly Sue Deconnick books last week Botch Planet came out and this week the 100th issue special for Carol Danvers Captain Marvel. Though its preposterous how many adventures the late silver age characters have had over time but I'd rather that then the continual loss yet non loss of history that happens sometimes with repeated story reboots. With Carol's Los of memory and her studying her past perhaps this will be a recollection filled issue perhaps not but Kelly Sue really doesn't dissapoint. $4.99 (ouch)



Ms Marvel #

G Willow Wilson's title that so really could is one of the books I look forward to every month, this is the comic that gets beyond the grim gritty nineties comic atmosphere and remind me of what is was like to get comics as a kid. If someone were to ask me today what Marvel book I'd consider is best all ages title this is the book I would point to. G Willow has a solidly defined atomosphere for the stories she tells with Kamala and for me its affects books she guest stars in; she blended so well with Spider-Man and its exiting to see her in Inhumans too. The joy in this title seems infectious to the books around it. And its one of the few Marvel books that is still $2.99.

The Wicked + The Devine

Kieron managed to shock me with some of the events in the end of the first storyline, which just came out in trade and would make a great gift for people hint hint, so I'm sure this will be near the top of my short stack of comics this week. The Wicked and The Divine probably doesn't need all the much signal boost but like the rest of this list its just an honest resorting of what I will be picking up this week given my comics budget. Guillen's story about reincarnated gods in the modern world taps into the realities of living in the modern socially over connected world and its honestly such a beautiful title to look at as well as read. $2.99 (another great comics bargin)



Rumble #1

John Arcudi is Mike Mignola's partner in horror comics crime over at Datk Horse and has been the mainstay on the BPRD book for a long time now turning out great Lovecraftian influenced stories. I know little about this title other the the tag line that a scarecrow walkes into a bat and wreaks havok across two worlds. It promises to be a weird horror take about a scarecrow god revenge tale that aparently is Louis CK meets Robert E Howard meets David Fincher. Honestly you has be at Robert E Howard and Arcudi writing. And its another $2.99 book that's pretty crazy that so many are so cheap this week. (Oops its $3.50 and having read it its pretty awesome....)

Wayward #5

This book follows a close second to Hexed for urban fantasy in comics. It hits a particularly weak spot for me since I love Japanese folklore, manga, animation and studies Japanese in college to be able to understand it without translation. (At times I wish this was in Japanese just because but that would be nuts but me I'm crash sometimes.) This issue brings the first story arc to an end and solidifies the main cast hopefully. Wayward has been a slower building title for me but at this point I'm glad I kept up with it and like The Wic + The Div its very nice on the eyes. I'm just sad I probably won't be finding this cover at my local shop because I don't like the regular one near as much. Good stuff UF fans Jim Zub writes great fun comics and you should be checking it out if its your kind of thing. $3.50 ( well at least its not 3.99)



Dead-Wood pull list Dec 17 2014


Captain Marvel #10

Feeling pretty spoiled for Kelly Sue Deconnick books last week Botch Planet came out and this week the 100th issue special for Carol Danvers Captain Marvel. Though its preposterous how many adventures the late silver age characters have had over time but I'd rather that then the continual loss yet non loss of history that happens sometimes with repeated story reboots. With Carol's Los of memory and her studying her past perhaps this will be a recollection filled issue perhaps not but Kelly Sue really doesn't dissapoint. $4.99 (ouch)



Ms Marvel #

G Willow Wilson's title that so really could is one of the books I look forward to every month, this is the comic that gets beyond the grim gritty nineties comic atmosphere and remind me of what is was like to get comics as a kid. If someone were to ask me today what Marvel book I'd consider is best all ages title this is the book I would point to. G Willow has a solidly defined atomosphere for the stories she tells with Kamala and for me its affects books she guest stars in; she blended so well with Spider-Man and its exiting to see her in Inhumans too. The joy in this title seems infectious to the books around it. And its one of the few Marvel books that is still $2.99.

The Wicked + The Devine

Kieron managed to shock me with some of the events in the end of the first storyline, which just came out in trade and would make a great gift for people hint hint, so I'm sure this will be near the top of my short stack of comics this week. The Wicked and The Divine probably doesn't need all the much signal boost but like the rest of this list its just an honest resorting of what I will be picking up this week given my comics budget. Guillen's story about reincarnated gods in the modern world taps into the realities of living in the modern socially over connected world and its honestly such a beautiful title to look at as well as read. $2.99 (another great comics bargin)



Rumble #1

John Arcudi is Mike Mignola's partner in horror comics crime over at Datk Horse and has been the mainstay on the BPRD book for a long time now turning out great Lovecraftian influenced stories. I know little about this title other the the tag line that a scarecrow walkes into a bat and wreaks havok across two worlds. It promises to be a weird horror take about a scarecrow god revenge tale that aparently is Louis CK meets Robert E Howard meets David Fincher. Honestly you has be at Robert E Howard and Arcudi writing. And its another $2.99 book that's pretty crazy that so many are so cheap this week.

Wayward #5

This book follows a close second to Hexed for urban fantasy in comics. It hits a particularly weak spot for me since I love Japanese folklore, manga, animation and studies Japanese in college to be able to understand it without translation. (At times I wish this was in Japanese just because but that would be nuts but me I'm crash sometimes.) This issue brings the first story arc to an end and solidifies the main cast hopefully. Wayward has been a slower building title for me but at this point I'm glad I kept up with it and like The Wic + The Div its very nice on the eyes. I'm just sad I probably won't be finding this cover at my local shop because I don't like the regular one near as much. Good stuff UF fans Jim Zub writes great fun comics and you should be checking it out if its your kind of thing. $3.50 ( well at least its not 3.99)



Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday Comics Dec 14 2014

Shutter #7

Joe Keating and Leila Del Duca's genre and expectation defying title actually almost tops my list this week for all out best book. I didn't really realize how much I missed the story of Katie Christopher in my life till I opened this bookend was treated to the two page splash of a very familiar looking building. This issue calls back to - who was left behind after the big bomb that ended issue two and the destruction waged to Katie's home. Characters pop in and out of this book quickly but sill feel as if they are coming from somewhere with a past and hopefully having a future if they make it off screen. Not to worry Joe quickly gets back to the various cliffhangers from the end if issue 6 and settles back into the mysteries of familial turmoil that began with the end of issue one. Much as other mysteries in the stories this week I don't mind that very little is revealed because anticipat-ion and guessing is half the fun of mysteries.


Bitch Planet #1

Equally great is the highly subversive title from Kelly Sue Deconnick with the provocative title Bitch Planet, that I have been anticipating for months and is so olives up to and exceeds my high expectations. This is a book that takes a couple reads to see some of the things that are going on in it and the essay that follows the story is must reading for everyone... non really guys everyone. Danielle Henderson (feminist ryan gosling) the woman advising Kelly Sue, is pushing her to be realistic about the story she is telling and I think this story is going to have real claws to it. Along with being provocative, entertaining, and like little else out there right now Bitch Planet has a point to make about complacency and compliance to the status quo. Go out there and be non complient but do buy and read this and maybe buy one for your friends and spread the thought. (Just an aside I'm a feminist and there are reasons to still be one)


Thor #3

Though not as downright spine tingling as the first two Thor 3 is solidly good, its got great detailed art and brings to a close the story that began really with the final issue of the last run of Thor god of thunder. Gillen spends some time in this issue establishing the Jottenheim Frost giants as an actual people who are more then just monsters of the week, shows The Lord of Roxxon to be at least a little more complex then the corporate creep he has been up till now, he writes an entertaining Malikith and still makes the woman behind the helm compelling and mysterious. Truly I want to know who is Thor but I almost want to never know because this not knowing is pretty fun storytelling. This is the second time in consecutive weeks that the last page reveal was... well that would be telling now wouldn't it.


Hexed #5

I wonder why I don't see more people writing about how damned good this title really is or perhaps people haven't noticed because it doesn't involve all the usual supernatural suspects in urban fantasy. With the end of the last story arc bringing an end to how Lucifer and her employer work and releasing lots of magical artifacts back into the wild this issue brings a newish status quo. This issue gives a mix of all the things I look for in a comic detailed stylish art, a solid story with empathetic characters, an antagonist I like, mystery, adventure and not just a few laughs. Hexed is the urban fantasy comic that is hitting all the right notes right now.




Sunday Comics Dec 14 2014

Shutter #7

Joe Keating and Leila Del Duca's genre and expectation defying title actually almost tops my list this week for all out best book. I didn't really realize how much I missed the story of Katie Christopher in my life till I opened this bookend was treated to the two page splash of a very familiar looking building. This issue calls back to - who was left behind after the big bomb that ended issue two and the destruction waged to Katie's home. Characters pop in and out of this book quickly but sill feel as if they are coming from somewhere with a past and hopefully having a future if they make it off screen. Not to worry Joe quickly gets back to the various cliffhangers from the end if issue 6 and settles back into the mysteries of familial turmoil that began with the end of issue one. Much as other mysteries in the stories this week I don't mind that very little is revealed because anticipat-ion and guessing is half the fun of mysteries.


Bitch Planet #1

Equally great is the highly subversive title from Kelly Sue Deconnick with the provocative title Bitch Planet, that I have been anticipating for months and is so olives up to and exceeds my high expectations. This is a book that takes a couple reads to see some of the things that are going on in it and the essay that follows the story is must reading for everyone... non really guys everyone. -, the woman advising Kelly Sue, is pushing her to be realistic about the story she is telling and I think this story is going to have real claws to it. Along with being provocative, entertaining, and like little else out there right now Bitch Planet has a point to make about complacency and compliance to the status quo. Go out there and be non complient but do buy and read this and maybe buy one for your friends and spread the thought. (Just an aside I'm a feminist and there are reasons to still be one)


Thor #3

Though not as downright spine tingling as the first two Thor 3 is solidly good, its got great detailed art and brings to a close the story that began really with the final issue of the last run of Thor god of thunder. Gillen spends some time in this issue establishing the Jottenheim Frost giants as an actual people who are more then just monsters of the week, shows The Lord of Roxxon to be at least a little more complex then the corporate creep he has been up till now, he writes an entertaining Malikith and still makes the woman behind the helm compelling and mysterious. Truly I want to know who is Thor but I almost want to never know because this not knowing is pretty fun storytelling. This is the second time in consecutive weeks that the last page reveal was... well that would be telling now wouldn't it.


Hexed #5

I wonder why I don't see more people writing about how damned good this title really is or perhaps people haven't noticed because it doesn't involve all the usual supernatural suspects in urban fantasy. With the end of the last story arc bringing an end to how Lucifer and her employer work and releasing lots of magical artifacts back into the wild this issue brings a newish status quo. This issue gives a mix of all the things I look for in a comic detailed stylish art, a solid story with empathetic characters, an antagonist I like, mystery, adventure and not just a few laughs. Hexed is the urban fantasy comic that is hitting all the right notes right now.