Secret 6 #1
Going to start with the issue that some people are in my opinion unfairly hating on. I said it on my Tumblr Thursday night I liked this comic, actually got involved with the characters and do want more of it. I know a lot of people loved the old Secret Six, Gail pulled on years of comics history and created the chemistry we loved reading about. This time she's building from the ground up. Only Strix and the Ventriloquist have hiatory now... this Black Alice and Catman are familiar only in that they replaced the chargers we loved and the others are brand spanking new. Its not the team I loved but I want to giventhem a chance to become one. I dig Strix and actually liked the Ventriloquist that I didn't really click with when she appeared in Batgirl. The New DC is rather brutal to titles that don't sell well, I just have hopes people will not make this one of the ones I've liked that fails.
Inhumans #9
I have picked up an issue here and an issue there of Inhumas and though this involves Axis and does something strange to a character I happen to like a lot, Medusa, a flip through it was enough to get me to pick it up on a whim. When I was a kid picking up a comic on a whim introduced me to the Xmen and to the teen titans and grabbing this issue was actually a pretty good choice. I got introduced to a couple cool new characters including Reader who I have to find the first appearance of and intices me to know them better. The Inhumans is a title that reads as more then just a morals pantomime that many books can become. Charles Soule looks to be building something different the titles that surround it on the Marvelmside of the shelf and its nice to read something ne feeling with characters you know. It may have been a style based choice to grab this but this issue had some real substance to it.
Angela 1
Angela the orphaned Neil Gaimen creation from the early years at Image has found what papers to be a good home at Marvel. She's been a guest star in the Guardians book, been in the spotlight during the Original Sin event and landed in the able hands of Kieron Gillen Margurite Bennett with a great art team for her own series. This book joins the growing group of Marvel titles staring women and it was a solid beginning. Like his other major work Journey into Mystery Angela reads a lot more like a sword and sorcery comic then it does a superhero one and like Inhumans the variety is writing is refreshing. As all great epic tales this one starts in medias res and introduces us both the its heroine and a small cast of characters and does so pretty well. It wasn't the spine tingler for me that the new Thor or Ms Marvel was but its pretty much assured I will be exited to read more next month. Though this issue had two artists and their styles are pretty definite the transitions were also well well handled and seamless. Readers looking for a familiar world and a new appraach and feel will want to look here.
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