Hexed #5
This magical caper style book is rapidly becoming one of my favorites. Dan Mora is possibly my favorite new artist to come along this last year and the story being told by Michael Alan Nelson is pretty top notch and passes Kelly Sue Deconnick's sexy lamp test handily. Lucifer is a solidly gutsy risk taking protagonist who doesn't particularly have special powers that are unattainable by others and for all the crazy that happens in the title the struggles are pretty down to earth ones if supernatural in nature. Hexed has developed over the course of the mini series drawn by the amazing Emma Rios a few years back and the handful of current issues a very complex and intriguing mythology. People reading Wayward, BPRD, Hellboy or longing for the old weird days of Doctor Strange and Hellblazer should give this cool book a try. BOOM comics is doing some great books I just wish I'd picked up on more of them like I did this one when it started. $3.99 and worth it...(the original collection is still available, I picked it up last week and its pretty great too )
Shutter #7
Shutter issue 6 ended on somewhat, and that is an understatement, of a cliffhanger leaving Katie and Chris Jr. on a cliff facing a massive monster thing. This is a title that any adult fans of portal adventure fantasy like Alice in Wonderland, Oz, Narnia, or readers of the Magicians books should absolutely take a look at. Joe Keating who's reimagining of the Rob Leifield character Glory was one of the best Wonder Woman stories in a long time has created what to me is a Lovecraft or PK Dick influenced fairy tale. The first collection is just out, of which I'll have a full review soon, is one of the best recent modern fairy tales I've read. Its fun and chilling in equal measure and probably about to reveal the villain behind all the trials of the first six issues. $3.50
Lelia Del Duca is another great new art find, hell just look at that cover and the feeling displayed in these faces....
Bitch Planet #1
Like last weeks Secret Six by Gail Simone Bitch Planet by Kelly Sue Deconnick is pretty much a must have just because of the writer alone. Kelly Sue has not dissappointed me yet (with two crossover exceptions I will only mention like this) and with the couple of short interviews posted on Comic Book Resources about how her cast and story were developed pretty well set the hook in my cheek to buy this one. I'm thinking the elevator pitch is something along the lines of Orange is the new Black in Space but I suspect that the social exploration in this book will go a hell of a lot deeper then that. Honestly I probably done need to signal boost for it but there you go. $3.50 (and its not even 3.99)
Copperhead #4
Jay Farber's Deadwood in space has been on a slow burn from issue one and possibly has not hit that many people's radar as of yet but is should be. To me its reading a bit like Deadwood plus Firefly with aliens added in a police procedural story. The mythology created for this story is slow in developing and if the couple page preview today is any hint this issue we get some of the payoff of the buildup. Clara Bronson is a sheriff just installed on the frontier with a partner she still has to win over or prover herself to (he's the alien featured on this cover looking a bit like good old Judge Dredd). The relationships in this book look to be overarching story and the killing that opened the comic is one that seems way more complex then it started out being. I like this book and I think it needs a bit of a signal boost since I dint want it to go away like both Firefly and Deadwood. $3.50
Thor #3
The all new Thor book is one shrouded in multiple mysteries; who is the woman wielding the hammer, how did she get to the moon to raise it, is the hammer sentient, what did Fury whisper that made Odinson unworthy and how the none Hells is she going to survive the end of issue 2. Well these questions though still present and no closer to being solved are irrelevant to how fun and thrilling this new asgardian adventure is. The art is pretty amazing too making me want to check out the previous work of mr Dauterman when he was all on his own. I have to say that even if the comming Secret Wars is a reset which I don't believe it is at least the lead up stories have like this one have been a freaking blast. $3.99
So so far I'm at $17.47 which is pretty close to my aimed 20.00 a week and there is so much I still want... So I'll probably get one or two of the following if I'm good..
Batgirl #37
The new team on this book may not be writing anything close to my favorite iteration of Barabara Gordon, that being the amazing Oracle, but the hip, fun and totally gonzo storytelling they are doing here is too much fun to fault it for that. The last issue treated us to lots of sideways and reimagined pop culture references to the new 52s version of old style Japanese anime which I can only hope will continue. That is often the fun of alternate versions of well trod ground and history, how the new authors remix the well known. I love the supporting cast they are building for her and I hope that the big ol Bat stays away from this book for the time being. I have to say the new DC attitude titles like this, Gotham by Midnight, Gotham Academy and Catwoman I may just be getting some DC books regular like. $2.99
Justice League United #7
Almost typed Legion of Superheroes #7 looking at the preview and I saw ore if the characters I've been missing. Jeff Lemire is someone who's writing for me either hits me right away or not at all so perhaps I will be lured into getting this issue out of pure nostalgia alone. This is the Legion from way back and I've been curious about the title but have not been lured in just yet. Not sure why I'd accept a new version of Catman yet am not so open to a new version of Adam Strange.... Anyway I'm pretty sure I'll be commenting on it come the weekend...$2.99 (so I'd be into the low 20s if I did those.)
The next three would brek the bank right open I'll only post a couple covers...East of West the world is a stand alone and I have missed the issues since number five but still have interest. The future apocalyptic western be Hickman I think reads better in large batches like his Avengers and his FF so maybe this issue could hook me again....
I've also got the Uncanny Xmen Annual in my sights since I read All New Invaders and I know this book touches on the invasion from Mars.... And I like the character that it focuses on....
Lastly there is the call of the fun Amazing Spider-Man and the Spiderverse storyline that has been so much fun, Dan Slott writes with such a great sense of humor even given dark and depressing themes...
Last there is a title that I've been tempted by repeatedly.... Don't know why but the covers seem to be asking me to pick them up
And I'll leave it at that....next week I'll be in the same position because there is so much temptation out there...
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