Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Dead-wood Pull List Jan 28th 2015


Bitch Planet #2

... Ok its a Kelly Sue Deconnick comic topping my pull list this week but Bitch Planet is the book I most want to read this week; its subversive, ambitious and a work that Kelly Sue says she hopes to live up to her intent and the emergent behavior that would dominate the story. In a way its a grindhouse story and in so many ways its much much deeper and that comes from my read of issue one; for sure it will not be for everyone and its certainly not safe for public consumption or for work. $3.50


Rasputin #4

Between Alex Grecian and Riley Rossmo, not forgetting to mention their marvelous colorist her too, spin a marvelously textured and deep story told with almost art alone. Rasputin is a look at this historical figure and his real mythos through the lens of a more fantastic mythos blending fact with fiction creating something brilliantly new. This book makes me want to read Russian classical fiction and folklore and just writing about it makes me want to go back an stare at the georgeous sequential art some more. Truly one of the books I'm glad that I gave a look. $3.50

The Dying & The Dead #1

So much of Jonathan Hickman's work of late have been about death; about the death of worlds and universes and about Death himself so this title is no real surprise. From everything I have read about this oversized issue is looks to be a more personal story about loss and death. The art looks attractive and well though I may say that his stories read better in larger chunks I'm willing to plunk down my $4.50 for this given my enjoyment of FF, Fantastic Four, East of West, and most of all New Avengers .

Secret Avengers # 12

There I go praising New Avengers and he comes the Avengers title that I actually enjoy the most which happens to not be it. Ales Kot is telling what I would have to describe as Avengers by way of weird fiction with heavy doses of odd humor. I originally compared this book to Hawkeye but now with the lack of that this is the fun superhero book to beat. The cast is pretty scattered, the last issue was overall filled with shocking developments and I hope this will prove out as good. Its also the best Spiderwoman and Almost the best Black Widow title out there too. All for $3.99 kind of a steal.

Sundowners #6

And we go from superheroes with a touch of weird to weird horror with a touch of Superhero. I really need to be reading some of Tim Seeley's other books because his take on storytelling just seems to fit my sense of things. Those who miss the days of superhero books being mostly about their own personal issues with occasional fisticuffs this should be rounding out your list. I happen to have grown very fond of the characters in this story particularly Crowlita and Concerned Citizen who both were pretty much stars in the last issue. I'm very curious as to where Tim is taking this story.... $3.50


And that brings my total to 19.49... A week that there is much more temptation out there but I feel there is lots of good in the list here to keep me pretty happy...


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Comics Jan 25 2015


The Wicked + The Divine #7

The sheer level of cynicism about people I this one issue alone is enough for me to reccommend this book without reserve. Laura, who's involvement with Lucifer made her a pantheon quasi celebraity, attends a Fantheon convention and the depiction of fans from a guests POV is revelatory and was pretty brillant seen through McKelvie art. This issue also reveals a great deal about the enigmatic Woden who's best summed up by his quote "I'm a God not a Saint."; he comes off very much like a man raised to mythic proportions flawed and f-ed but hey that's humanity. Kieron is not telling the story I expected but he's definitely telling a story I love and one that rings totally true if you have a dark view of humanity on the whole. Great book totally five stars...


Rumble #2

Modern day mythology abounds on the top of my favorites from this last week though Rumble has more of Mythos to it with its inhumnaish demons and its apocalyptic Detroit setting. John Arcudi is playing a bit of a long game with some of his set ups in this story pickin up on the weird cat and the odd thing being pushed around by alligators from issue one. Seems issue three will reveal more about the sword wielding scarecrow Rathraq so I'm very much looking forward to seeing the story of this dark vengeful personality and how he relates to all the disparate parts of this book. The art again by James Harren as beauty in its weirdness and does this fan of weird fiction good. Its definitely a four to four and a half stars because of the build up feeling but I have faith that the delivery will rock.


Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier #3

This is one of those time I don't feel like the book was overly rushed given the double shipping this month like some others recently because bout issue three and four were pretty great in very different ways. Issue four brings in the story of a possible future Bucky Barnes from a place where a man on the wall is no longer needed. Its art is not the pretty pretty pop art but something more conventional comic but fitting. Ales Kot fits in some convincing philosophical techno talk along with a very emotionally heavy story. It confirmed my faith in this book and I'm hoping that its strong enough to warrant surviving the upcoming universal shakeup. Though I'm a Carol Corps and Guardians kind a reader I'm thinking this book is quickly becoming my go to cosmic level Marvel book. Again four to four and a half stars for how much the last two issues have moved the story forward and making Bucky a favorite for me again.


Powers #1. (New volume)

So we have the big tv series coming up and another new volume of Brian Michael Bendis' ten plus year old creation with the amazing Michael Avon Oeming from the creator imprint of Marvel. This is a great jumping on point I read the original dozen or so issues before my life took a different path and I was out do comics a while and it was easy to pick this up and start again. Powers poses the question about how to be police in a world with uncanny super powered individuals. It introduces the main characters of the series in a very different place then they were when I last knew them and it was really like running into old friends. If your a police procedural fan this is the perfect marriage of a story like the Wire or Luther with superheroes in a very very good way. Oeming is also a personal favorite artist and well he's not like many out there right now. Try it its good... Four and a half out of five with some very kitch cameos....


Sunday Comics Jan 25 2015


The Wicked + The Divine #7

The sheer level of cynicism about people I this one issue alone is enough for me to reccommend this book without reserve. Laura, who's involvement with Lucifer made her a pantheon quasi celebraity, attends a Fantheon convention and the depiction of fans from a guests POV is revelatory and was pretty brillant seen through McKelvie art. This issue also reveals a great deal about the enigmatic Woden who's best summed up by his quote "I'm a God not a Saint."; he comes off very much like a man raised to mythic proportions flawed and f-ed but hey that's humanity. Kieron is not telling the story I expected but he's definitely telling a story I love and one that rings totally true if you have a dark view of humanity on the whole. Great book totally five stars...


Rumble #2

Modern day mythology abounds on the top of my favorites from this last week though Rumble has more of Mythos to it with its inhumnaish demons and its apocalyptic Detroit setting. John Arcudi is playing a bit of a long game with some of his set ups in this story pickin up on the weird cat and the odd thing being pushed around by alligators from issue one. Seems issue three will reveal more about the sword wielding scarecrow Rathraq so I'm very much looking forward to seeing the story of this dark vengeful personality and how he relates to all the disparate parts of this book. The art again by James Harren as beauty in its weirdness and does this fan of weird fiction good. Its definitely a four to four and a half stars because of the build up feeling but I have faith that the delivery will rock.


Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier #3

This is one of those time I don't feel like the book was overly rushed given the double shipping this month like some others recently because bout issue three and four were pretty great in very different ways. Issue four brings in the story of a possible future Bucky Barnes from a place where a man on the wall is no longer needed. Its art is not the pretty pretty pop art but something more conventional comic but fitting. Ales Kot fits in some convincing philosophical techno talk along with a very emotionally heavy story. It confirmed my faith in this book and I'm hoping that its strong enough to warrant surviving the upcoming universal shakeup. Though I'm a Carol Corps and Guardians kind a reader I'm thinking this book is quickly becoming my go to cosmic level Marvel book. Again four to four and a half stars for how much the last two issues have moved the story forward and making Bucky a favorite for me again.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015


There was another bit of announcement yesterday that got overshadowed by the Marvel Secret Wars one, aparently one of my favorite comic. properties from the nineties may just be coming back. Milestone was an imprint started by DC comics back in the day when they were open to creative ideas and directions like the mature line of comics under the Vertigo banner that brought us Preacher, and picked up titles like Doom Patrol, Sandman and Swamp Thing that were already in print. Milestone represented a more colorful and diverse universe the the one that came out of the war years and the baby boom. As was reported elsewhere (namely comic book resources) the co-founders Denys Cowan who did art for many of their titles and Reginald Hudlin along with Derek Dingle have plans in the works to revive the imprint beyond the auspice of DC comics. The plan came about partially to honor the other co-founder Dwayne McDuffie who died in 2011 and wrote several of the Milestone titles and wrote many stories that I recall really loving.

Milestone introduced characters from many different rack grounds and cultures in its initial offerings Icon, their superman/Shazam like book, Hardware, which was a spin on an Ironman kind of hero, Static, their coming of age hero story and the one that has had the most legs outside the imprint, and Blood Syndicate, the first team book that was a gang like story. They added more series over the years of their existence and gave the start to lots of artists and writers and actally had at the time some of the better stories at least for me. I pretty much collected all of their offerings from beginning to end and lamented their loss once they were gone.

With the fact that the comics industry, at least some sectors of it, recognize that the reading audience is way more diverse then just white nerdy male teens and looking for characters that reflect them and the world around them Milestone may just have more legs this time around. Further articles have revealed that the creators involved want more then just nostalgia in reviving the imprint they want to go forward from where they were. I have great hopes for them and look forward to hearing more.... Best new comics news I read this week...



Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Marvel Secret Wars... Initial thoughts...


So... Watched the announcement and well...I'm not going to be a gloom and doom nay sayer OK. Here's where my thoughts are on the subject of the Marvel Universe (616) as we know it coming to an end and its likewise my thoughts on the New 52; a good story is a good story is a good story regardless. Will some of what Marvel editorial choose to piss me off, well for sure but I can always stop reading any of the books at any time. I love Bucky Barnes the Winter Soldier, Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel, Thor, and quite frankly more titles then I can comfortably afford I'll be sad if they change drastically, end, disappear or the like but I can just vote with my money and buy something else because right now readers are spoilt for good books.

The one thing I will not about the announcement was this there was no mention of a restart or reboot. Sure going out Secret Wars we will have some sort of new status quo and new titles but maybe we won't get an overall new beginning like we did out of Crisis, and ... and .... and... right down to Flashpoint. A couple of the titles I love like Secret Avengers, All New Ghost Rider, All New Invaders, are already slated to end before the event and Silk, SpiderGwen, to begin right before it... I really can't see Marvel throwing out titles like that and like right now only to trash them in just three months. The said during the announcement that we would not believe some of the directions they have planned for this event and that its going to exite and piss of lots of fans; well that statement could be attached to many events.

Here is the other thing that occures to me as someone who like the industry and am trying to learn what I can about putting together my own book. This story itself has been in the can for a while, most of it at this point has to be written, penciled and inked as are some of the books that come out after the event is over. Writers and artists are already at least doing the initial books that follow Secret Wars. Events now a days are not like Crisis and Secret Wars; they hardly last more then four months. What I can say as a fan of Jonathan Hickman's writing is this I think his work benefits from being read as a whole, his runs of Avengers, New Avengers and FF are better in large doses so I expect Secret Wars to be likewise... filled with bg big ideas and ambitious concepts hopefully with great characterization too... I'm on the fence right now but as with the New 52 I'm willing to give things a look before throwing it under the bus.


Monday, January 19, 2015

Dead-wood Pull List Jan 21 2015


Rumble #2

So this was a book I picked up on impulse last month because I recalled that I like John Arcudi and wow this book became the one a wanted to see the next issue of ASAP. Rumble came off right away as a weird fiction title crossing multiple genre categories like horror and urban fantasy and of all things sword and sorcery in Detroit of all places. The art was a bit off putting initially but as I read it I found that I liked the style and want more of it and well I don't know if it will have that effect on everyone but I'm sure there are weird horror comic fans out there who really need to give this modern day sword and sorcery book a go. The first issue introduced us to his cast including his sword wielding scarecrow god and a couple of nere do well demons, at least that is what I thought they were. Lots of fun is here to be had. $3.50


The Wicked + The Divine #7

Ok how can you not pick up a book about incarnated gods in the modern day with Woden/Daft Punk on th cover. Kieron Gillen is kind of my go to guy for great modern mythology unless you count Jason Aaron; Wic+Div is a book that reminds me of thwart it was like to read Preacher back in the day and I really wish I had friends around that were reading tit too because I so want to BS with people about this cool cool book. The second story arc began last issue and if you want to get on to very well written and imagined a mystery ride really grab this and last months issue and hell if your not getting any Marvel books this week get the 9.99 trade to and give yourself a reading treat. Gillen has a very Warren Ellis or Grant Morrision flare with dialogue. $3.50


Dark Horse Presents #6

Dark Horse Presents is something I have been into in the past and I honestly love anthologies when it comes to fiction and at the moment there are some really good strips running in DHP. Alex de Campi and Jerry Ordway 's Semiautomagic is certainly one of the draws for me and is the Odin story from Joe Casey, next months Hellboy also makes this issue hit my list and well its also introducing Matt Kindt's time travel book that is soon to be out that I have some interest in reading. So at 4.99 this is set to break my budget but well I'm kinda crazy sometimes....

Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier #4

I'm of two minds about there being two issues of this great book this month. One I get two installments, and two Wintersoldiers in the current story, of Ales Kot's magnificent title but two its going to make me miss something at least for now... I wrote about this book before nd I still feel its one of the best super spy books out there inheriting both the new title attached to the old Super Spy Nick Fury and the pop art slot that used to be filled by Kirby and Steranko worth the great work from Marco Rudy.... $3.99 but so worth multiple readings....

Wolverines #3

Why why why am I getting an issue of a weekly comic well its a curiosity thing. I've seen some of the April covers and solicits and I'm kinda hooked and well at least the force has failed to call to me so far. The prospect of a new female character in the x related books also kind of gets me as does the preview that shows the girl on the cover here one speaking to her fox two the fox responding and three messing with the Punisher for some reason..... $3.99... And I'm probably crazy to be picking this up along with 1 and 2....

And the 20 dollar mark is pretty much broken.... But Rumble is in the pile and possibly BPRD to is I really lose my nut and say fuck it...


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Comics Jan 18 2015


Copperhead 05

I've been honestly enjoying Copperhead but with issue 5 and the end of the first story arc I can say I love this comic, Jay Farber, Godlewski,Riley and Mauer have proven that my instincts and the blurbs about this were right. Copperhead has a much more nuanced story then it seems at the outset and does live up to the expectations I would have if someone told me it was an homage to the Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers mixed with a whole lot of the feeling of David Milch's amazing western Deadwood. Given Farber only has twenty some odd pages a month to build this story he has done a marvelous job in revealing what's behind the curtain of his story and the payoff in issue five for all the forsahdowing and tension of the first four is very satisfying. They have built up a lot of depth in the cast so far and I would say again its a great companion sci if drama to Saga. Bravo. Pretty much five stars...

Shutter #8

Two for two in the image front this week as Joe Keating and Leila de Luca deliver another great and revelatory issue of Shutter. Between issues 7 and 8 Kate has her memories and knowledge of her family with her as only child shaken and shattered when she meets not just a younger brother but a homocidal older sister and possibly more. This issue exposes more of the family history she does not recall or never knew nor thought about. This issue opens with a two page newspaper comic strip like montage that is all about the Cat Clock and is prett inventive in the way that it uses recognizable strips to tell the story crossing from one strip to another. Some of the best bits in this issue are the little details like how even the cover is a part of the overall story and introduces someone who I think will turn out ot be impotant. I'd say four to four and a half stars


Rat Queens: Braga special 1

Out of all the great the background characters in Rat Queens Braca of the Peaches is pretty much my favorite or she's even with the group the four Daves but that could be because of that old Kids in the Hall sketch (these are the Dave's I know.. Look it up). I'd compares this to Conan in my pull list post and that rung pretty true in that there is a whole lot of violence in this issue with an Orc vs Orc dispute but there is also some very interesting personal things revealed and I love some of the possible implications and developments in this issue. This story happens right after the events of issue five and it appears lots of characters were blowing off some steam that night. Tess Fowler does a pretty great job illustrating this sort of origin story and I hope we will see her work again given how well this special came out. Braga has gained a lot of depth with this story and well hefully see more of her past.... Four to four and a half stars...


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dead-wood Pull List Jan 14 2015

Dead-wood pull list is sometimes a dream list given a limited budget but I often try to reflect the actual books that I will be picking up and a bit of signal boost to books that I don't see that many of the bigger comic blogs posts about all that often or at all. My budget is about twenty a week and lately its been hard to actually live up to that so I've been cutting out extra coffies and snacks to allow me a bit more leeway.

Hexed #7

Boom comics and the team of Michael Alan Nelson and Dan Mora as I've said before are putting together one of the better urban fantasy comics out there. Michael pulled his inspiration from many horror sources but mainly from Lovecraft in the creation of his horror mythos for this book and Dan is certainly an artist that needs to be a more recognized name given how stunning his pages are. Michael's story has just the right amount of humor to remind you that this is a human level horror story filled with characters that have depth and background. Anyone digging Wayward, Ghosted, Hellboy or Five Ghosts would feel at home in this book. $3.99 (really for me a must)

All-new Ultimates #12

Anyone who knows about the independently produced Comic Copra knows that Michael Fife is a talented writer artist and promoter having produced an ongoing book all on his own and if you don't and fondly recall John Ostranders Suicide Squad check out the above link. I didn't pick up on this book in the beginning because of all the other new books at the time but the first trade collection is a great different take on recognizable marvel history and mainstays. I'm sad this book is comming to an end given the unique take on the characters and I have hopes people will check out the collected editions. Perhaps Michael Fife and Pinna will be getting a different title post Secret Wars. $3.99 (pretty sure I'll get it if my FLCS has a copy to show support but its worth a look if your curious.)




Shutter #9

I may not need to signal boost for Joe Keating and Leila de Luca's portal fantasy adventure for grown ups but just like me maybe someone out there who would like it just needs that push to try out this pretty well told story. I'm not at all sure what the elevator pitch for this was but it could have been something along the lines of Indiana Jones meets the Wizard of Oz if written by Mario Puzo Godfather style with all the cursing and violence. Style wise nothing on the shelves looks much like the almost watercolor-y artwork or the fact that upon opening the book you are often treated instantly to the magnificent artwork of Leila in pretty much wise screen format if comics could be said to have such a thing without a Ody-c like gatefold. Don't let the smiling kids fool you this is not an all ages book no matter what you think. $3.50 (but worth so much more...)



Captain Marvel #11

Another must have of the week is the continueing adventures of Princess Sparklefists by Kelly Sue Deconnick especially if it features the ever so cute Leiutenant Trouble. This issue brings Carol back to earth after her extended mission into space with the Guardians of the Galaxy who she's spent surprisingly little time with but oh god her appearance in the GotG annual was funny. For the uninitiated I think Kelly Sue does a marvelous job of snatching the readers heart up into her ongoing story and involving us in the lives of her characters. $3.99 for great cosmic marvel stories with a great amount of heart feeling and a spectacular group of artists.... Bargin...


Rat Queens Braga Special

Ok if your an adventure fantasy fan who loves great female heroes, tongue in cheek writing and violence you have to be reading Rat Queens... Its what we wished all our old D&D games could have been and with the first trade out there for $9.99 you got to get this. Anyway the back upcast in Rat Queens is so compelling were getting a one shot focused on the Orc warrioress Braga who is responsible for lots of great fights in the regular series. With the art shakeup a few weeks/ month back its great to have this full the gap as the artist pick up and I so want to read this even thoug I didn't know it was in the works. I expect that this will deliver on all the promises its cover makes... sure Red Sonja/Conan comes out this week too but for me this will be the fantasy book to beat. $3.50 (another must...)

Copperhead #5

This modern homage to Legends of the Galaxy Rangers with lots of Deadwood thrown in is one of the last musts of this week. The first storyline is probably comming to a head as all the pieces of th murder from issue one come together as well as more of the mysteries of the Copperhead are revealed. This is the best partner science fiction book to Saga that I can think of but all in all Image is rocking when it comes to doing great SF comics in the same way Dark Horse is for horror. This story of the sheriff from out of town taking over and stirring things up, especially shown in last issue, certainly builds the tension for this first arc. This book feels like it has lots of history to it and I can't wait for it to be revealed and Boo, the old deputy is quickly becoming a favorite character of mine. $3.50 (pretty much assured I'll get it)


Resurrectionists #3

This caper book will most likely round out my weeks selection because if I pick up All New Ultimates it will break the 20 dollar mark. Fred Van Lente aparently has a great love for history and has funneled that love into this story dating from the times of ancient Egypt into the modern day and the heroes in this book if you can call them that are for sure of the anti type so its been a fun ride getting to this issue. This time around I think well be getting a good bit of reveal about the story Fred is planning to tell at least in this arc and hints of what the book will be going into the future. I guess I could say this book is a bit Indiana Jones told across generations with a singular love at the hear of it. Like many of the books this week $3.50 and its one I wish had some pulpy back up fiction....


So without the Ultimates its 21.98.. And I'll leave it at that but I would love to include more.....


Monday, January 12, 2015

Sunday Comics Jan 11 2015


Bucky Barnes the Winter Soldier 3

Out of all the great comics in Marvels stable right now for me this is the one that benefits most from multiple readings. I noticed this in following the graphic story in issue one and there are many subtle things in that story that I missed in just a casual read. Ales Kot and Marco Rudy are making a comic here that as a reader you are rewarded in paying attention. Rudy's page layouts are remiscent of the seventies pop art work of Steranko, Adams (Neal) and Totelben (Swamp Thing) but influenced by the painted comics that came before now. Ales Kot brings to Bucky a very appealing sense of sardonic humor both to the Winter Soldier and to Daisy his partner in "crime". This issue also expands the secondary stories lingering in the background from issues one and two, the other Bucky and aparently Crossbones.... surreal Sci-fi spy adventure.... pretty much the best book from last week


Operation S.I.N. 1

I think Marvel is hoping for some crossover sales happening because of the Agent Carter premier came out the same week as Operation SIN. I had looked forward to this book for months because of Kathryne Immonen coming back to write after the end of Journey into Mystery and she didn't not dissapoint here give us a good ol fashioned Cold War era spy story starring Agent Carter Howard Stark and the Marvel Flash Gordon Woodrow who was introduced in Original Sin. Its a very approachable pulp ear book down to the Ray gun, the covert trip to Russia and the final panel that is to me a real Atlas era Kirby splash if there ever really was one. Having seen and loved Agent Carter my only gripe is that this is of all things a mini series and it doesn't include a certain butler also... Great if spy craft and pulp adventure is your thing or you like Fade Out and want a bit of cosmic speculative in your fifties stories.


Lady Killer 1

Joelle Jones has tapped into the woman assassin concept here and dropped it squarely in the peaceful sixties with her housewife killer for hire. From the opening scenes of her posing as an avon lady calling to the domestic family scene and the next assingment set up all hit that fun grindhouse, tongue in cheek tone that remined me of Tarantino and the art looks strait out of adds and pictures of the era (as a matter of fact the cove is a postcard I was planning to use as photo reference myself). This may not be to everyone's taste but if your liking Alex de Campi's books this is sure to please. Joelle delivers on all the promises that are made by the cover and much more in this book.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Dead-wood Pull List 2015 Week 1


Operation S.I.N. #1

Katherye Immonen wrote the amazing and sadly no more Journey into Mystery starring Sif and featuring an appearance by my favorite Thor Beta Ray Bill. The book had all the adventure and excitement I craved from a fantasy comic tale and had surprising levels of humor and heart in among all the berzerkers, violence and spandex. I'm also a fan of old pulp era heroics and this book looks to be aiming for that kind of adveture vibe starring none other then Agent Carter. I also have dug the new addition to the golden age era of marvel that Jason Arron created in Original Sin. This is a mini series too so well I expect a tightly plotted tale in a little appreciated era of comics. $3.99


Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier #3

This is a book that reminds me of when I was reading manga before I could read Japanese; when paying close attention to the art was a necessity to understanding the story. Marco Rudy's painted panels are way more involved in the storytelling then many traditionally penciled and inked comics and the level of detail involved you see with repeated readings. Ales Kot seems to be playing a long game with the story telling and the Bucky he's writing about is well more complex then the brainwashed assassin that he is on the surface and I suspect that repeated readings will be rewarded. Bucky seems to have a real amuseing sence of humor in this book and its a pleasure to read. $3.99


Feathers #1

There are lots of new number 1s this week that will get a good deal of attention like Unbeatable Squirlgirl, Uncanny Avengers vol 2 and Ant-man to name a few and some if not all of those will be among my pile but this all ages title from Boom is something that might get ignored. Boom is making some of the better kid friendly books out there and that is something rare at the big two who used to be the gateway into comics. This second world fantasy looks really like an imaginative play on steampunk with an out at orphan hero and has some very charming looking artwork. $3.99


Ody-C #2

Matt Fraction is one of the staples I miss now at Marvel but with books like Ody-C and his Casanova coming out th month the sting of the absence of Hawkeye lessens. Ody-C has the feel of the classic epic poem it is adapted from and all the inventive crazyness of post singularity space opera. The art in issue one was a feast for the eyes and though I know we should not expect another crazy gatefold panel the book is so pretty to look at. Its $3.99 but its well worth the premium price... My guess is that this title is not for everyone given its storytelling style and artistic choices.

Lady Killer #1

Dark Horse comics because of my renewed interest in horror comics has gotten my attention again. Lady Killer sounds very interesting set in the sixties about a house wife who is a killer. I'm leaning towards comics written by women these days and I have hopes that this title pushes some interesting boundaries like the work of Deconnick, Wilson and Simone... $3.50


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Dead-Wood Best Comics of 2014....


Best new book

Ms Marvel

This was a very hard choice because of all the great new books out there this year but G Eillow Wilson's Ms Marvel is the one that I think often tops the list. It's been compared to the original Amazing Spider-Man and its hard to beat in terms of charm and depth, hell it even weathered a Wolverine appearance and didn't descend into grim and gritty. Kamala's book is pretty much the one I would keep on my list if I had to give up most of my monthly books. There were so many good new books this choice was really hard and I hate to choose just one because all of the new books I bought and continue to support are amazing in their own way... So

Very close Runners up: Shutter, Bucky Barnes, the Wiced and The Divine, All New Ghost Rider, Storm, Wayward, Copperhead, All New Invaders, She-Hulk, Hexed (yes it appeared first yesterday but I do really love the series)... And I would include other books I mentioned yesterday like Ody-C, Rumble, and Bitch Planet I'm sure I'm forgetting some and neglecting others I could not afford to buy....



Best continueing series.....

There are many a series I could have chosen and would have given other circumstances but given all the reboots and renumberings of other series I have to go with East of West today. Who can fault a story about the end of the world, parents separated from their child, impending war and tons of social commentary. No one and no side really seems to come out smelling rosy in this tale of love loss and betrayal other then possibly death himself/itself and the woman who dared to tame him/it.

If I were to disregard company restarts of series along with Hickman's creator owned book I would have had to contend with the fact that I'd have to choose from: Captain Marvel, Amazing Spider-Man (which Dan Slott is killing it writing Peter Parker's adventure), New Avengers, Black Widow, Nailbiter, and BPRD (which I just got back into) just to name a few so I'll go with the book that I'm loving both the art and writing on....



I am getting the feeling that though I'm trying my hardest to make these best of choices I'm constantly double guessing myself....

So I will leave it at this.... With limited money I've been truly enjoying my hobby again and have many great writers and artists to thank for that and the fact that I'm doing art again....thanks muchly to these and many more whom I will forget..

Kelly Sue Deconnick, G Willow Wilson, Dan Slott, Jonathan Hickman, Greg Rucka, Joshua Williamson, Alex de Campi, Ales Kot, Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, Russell Dauterman, Felix Smith, Traad Moore, Scotty Young, Fiona Staples... Agggh I can't believe how many artists I can only recall only the titles they work on...need to just go work on art today and make some food for New Years... Please chat at me if your liking my blog at all... It gets lonely out here sometimes