Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Dead-wood Dispatch Pull List Aug 5 2015

So welcome to my weekly post sharing my comics pull list and my attempts to get other people to maybe try some new books out. I try to keep my list to twenty dollars or there about and I put the book I simply can't pass by at the head of the list. Some weeks I add a collection suggestion at the tail end in case that is how you pick up books. I'm also going to try to add some variety to my list and I'll occasionally include manga or dicital only comics once and a while.

Ms Marvel #17

So I done recall if this or issue 18 is the end of this first volume of one of my current must have books. I'm a fan of G Eillow Wilson's writing from before this series and find it to be one of the most approachable and enjoyable books in recent years. Kampala Kahn, Ms Marvel stands out in my mind as one of the better characters in Marvels cast of heroes and another is a characters I've loved since the eighties Carol Danvers, currently Captain Marvel also gracing the cover of this issue. This has been a team-up that was pretty destined since the first issue and getting to see Kamala meet her heroine Carol. G Willow Wilson writes with compassion and honesty and really does not back away from the complexity of life, the relationships she's set up or the depth in her marvelous cast. Though this book is winding down I'd say pick it up even if it's your first issue as you'll see why it's a series that has captured such a devoted audience. Oh and Kris Anka's art is a big draw for me too, it's clean clear line work is something I look forward to if the name is new to you you must check his tumblr blog...$2.99


Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier #10

Ales Kot's work at Marvel really deserves a lot more love then it gets; Secret Avengers got to do a lot of weird and fun things that the bigger books would not have been allowed to. Bucky Barnes is one of the plethora of assassin stories that ran at marvel last year and managed to be more about the cast in a Hawkeye kind of way then about the kills that they really didn't do all that much of. Between Langdon Foss and Mike Del Mundo the art in this book added to the storytelling and made it one that multiple reads were a must. As with Ms Marvel it is a book that is on its last few issues in light of the end of the Marvel Universe and it's changes coming in October but unlike Kamala Bucky is as of yet abscent. Can I tell you it's a must have, well for me it is as I've loved the whole run and I'd reccomended it for readers who want more of relationships then action and like a bit of weird humor on the side. I'm expecting to miss this book once it's all said and done but I'm hoping for a happy ending for the Winter Soldier(s) his alien lady love and Agent Daisy Johnson $3.99

Spire #2

Science Fantasy seems to be making a big comics come back in the western comics world and this is a good thing in my book. Simon Spurirer, who like Ales Kot above I think needs more appreciation, with artist Jeff Stokely last issue and Carlos Mango this one bring a decidedly Miyazaki's Nausicca and Moebius's Incal influenced setting to this murder investigation. The Spire strikes me as the kind of book that has a very rich setting that could be returned to again and again to tell a range of stories with hints of political intrigue ala Game of Thrones and social, racial, and economic tensions worthy of modern America there is ample opportunity for more. Sha the main character seems placed central to many of the various tensions implied in just the first twenty pages and hopefully there will be more then just the promised six issues in this series. $3.99

8House Arclight #2

Brandon Graham is very much back in force at Image with both Island and this series which like Spire pushed the boundaries of genre lines and looks little like the general American comics fare. Issue one Brandon allowed much of the storytelling to be done by the panoramic art of Marian Churchland; like many of my favorite stories it lacks a massive info dump and allows the art and it's details to reveal the details of the world. Magic of a fairly visceral type certainly plays a role in this story and it's not one for younger audience as its content implies more then it shows. Between Island and 8House I think Mr Graham is attempting to fill the gaps left by the current lack of comics for a more mature audience. Fantasy allows them to explore the nature of humanity by seeing it from a perspective outside itself. Like Bucky Barnes this is a book for readers tho want to have something to go back to again and again to find the full story being told. $2.99



The Wickd + the Divine #13

This is the second of the fill in stories that promises to spotlight a single one of the chosen and this one we're getting Tara, f'ning Tara. We know really nothing about Tara as she is the one that never appeared in the book before now and our only knowledge of her is the opinions others have of her, f'ning Tara. Well enough of that this I'm very much looking forward to as its being drawn by Tula Lotay whose georgous art graced Supreme Blue Rose last year with Warren Ellis. Honestly I have no clue as to what we'll be getting other the. A very appealing looking book written by Kieron Gillen about the Goddess of well ... Not really sure which goddess Tara is ... so it's an issue that may reveal lots or perhaps not but It's for sure to be worth the $3.50


Omega Men #3

As with some of the new DC books I get the what if kind of vibe from Tom Kings Omega Men, it's not at all a bad thing but. It gives me a moment of pause in recommending it. As I was a if fan of the series in the eighties and have fond memories of it and have a connection to these characters already and can't say how they will play to a new audience. That said Omega Men is a complex book that seems like several space intrigue stories I could site like Blakes 7 of BBC fame and Jim Stalins Dreadstar which also may not hook newer readers. So what would I say about this to signal boost it; it's strait up science fiction, almost hard SF with a socially conscious story that presents a complex and not necessarily heroic cast perhaps calling it a darkly humorous mirror to the Guardians of the Galaxy is most apt but the characters feel deeper richer and more layered and oh this issue brings in my favorite of the old cast, the princess.... Perhaps you'll give it a go... $2.99


Kaptara #4

Adding this I feel the old Sesame Street song about one of these things is not like the others one of these things just doesn't belong. This weeks list has had a lot of science fiction and science fantasy and this is squarely at the far edge of that. Chip Zdarsky and Kagan McLeod are pleasantly having one over on us readers with this very fun book that is inspired by all the bad animation shows so popular in the eighties like He-man, Thundercats, Smurfs and the like. For all the silly of the inspiration it's a good title pro I solid storytelling if it's firmly tongue in cheek but what else would you expect from the writer of Howard the Duck and self same artist of a book called Sex Criminals. $3.50

So yeah I'm up at round 25 dollars so Kaptara may have to wait but maybe not... Oh and on some lists I see a certain Midnighter though I'm not sure it's shipping or not...


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